I am interested in upgrading my late 80's system?

I have been trying to find review on my Onyko Tx 822 and B and W DM 110 speakers, are either one worth keeping? They work for me, but would like to do a upgrade. Advise?
My response to Cleaneduphippy on my cd player. It is a Magnavox CD 725 5 disc player my wife bought me for my birthday years ago.
I was curious about the Outlaw receiver. I will take a look at the older units for sale as you suggested.
I live in South Dakota north of Sioux Falls about 60 miles, moving recently from the southwest.
Thanks again
Hey Ray,

Your absolutely right there is not a lot of dealers in your neck of the woods. Anyway here's a link to one dealer in the Sioux Falls - a store called Home Audio Architect - http://www.homeaudioarchitects.com/. Looks like he carries Denon, Klipsch, and Boston Acoustic. Which are all decent brands.

Another on-line place you might want to check out is Audio Advisor - http://www.audioadvisor.com/ Audio Advisor as a pretty extensive line of audio equipment at various price points and just as important, a great reputation for customer service. btw, I have no relationship with anybody at Audio Advisor, but do know people who have used them and are pretty happy with the components and service they received from them.
With a 2k (or under) budget, I would seriously consider NAD electronics and Vandersteen 1c speakers.

If you like your speakers (or you want to go piece by piece), start with the CD player first and go down the chain in order from there.

