What are the best monitor speakers for classical?

What are the best bookshelf or monitor speakers, mounted on stands, paired with a Sunfire True Subwoofer Junior for classical music, orchestral and chamber? Associated equipment: Magnum Dynalab MD-308 integrated amp; Rega Jupiter CD player; Taddeo Digital Antidote II between CD player analogue and pre-amp inputs. Listening room: 120 sq. ft. Listening for best possible tonal balance specifically, clarity of midrange and relative sharpness/harshness or softness of high frequencies. Fullness of bass is not a concern - will purchase crossover to relieve midrange/woofer of 150 Hz and down. Also listening for imaging, i.e., projection of a 3-dimensional space; and spaciousness = the overall depth conveyed and a sense of sound happening in a real space.
If you like Telarc label for classical music then perhaps you might consider to add what they use for loudspeakers to your audition list.

Try a google on "telarc loudspeakers" and see what you get.
Green Mountain Audio Callisto, but run them full range and crossover your sub for low octives below the Callisto's range, maybe 45HZ or less. The Callisto's are music. You will not want to eliminate anything they do.

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You might want to listen to a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Hommage. In my room and for classical they are tremendous and I think they would work well with your assoc equip.