Opinions on newest NHT Absolute Zero

I'm considering buying the newest in the "Zero" line from NHT, the Classic Absolute Zero. I know the Super Zero got tremendous reviews from every source I could find and it looks like the more recent Absolute Zero should be even better, but I can't really find many good reviews.

If anyone owns or has had a chance to listen to the Absolute Zero speaker from NHT, I would love to know what you think.

In my setup, they will be placed on a bookshelf in a 16'x20' room that is fairly live. Since the Absolute Zero is an enclosed design with bookshelf placement considered in the design, and with NHT usually making a warmer speaker, it seems like a good fit if the sound quality is up to par.

Any help is appreciated!
Thank you for the info, Rich! I had searched online for any dealers in Cincinnati, but I didn't even check NHT site. Great call.

I really don't think I can do any better than these for the price I found for them online. The Dynaudio 1.3SE's are DEFINITELY out of my financial league.
I know.... I was actually looking at the Classic 3's... ugh. They really are great for the money. If I had to pick a monitor for $500.... it would be these. BUT, if you want to spend some more and watch a speaker disapear infront of you... ahhh yes... 1.3SE
I sell NHT speakers. The entire line is solid, if a bit clinical sounding, the AZs are no exception. Great value.
It seems like what most people agree on is that NHT is a great value. You get a sound that you would expect from a much more expensive speaker. And I think that's exactly what I'm looking for. I'm on a budget, and these will be the first "brand new" speakers I have ever bought (the rest of my system is used).

I like hearing what other people think about a speaker before buying it because some people can pick up on things that I may not notice until further down the road. They may notice good or bad qualities that I wouldn't hear immediately, but would like to take into consideration when making the purchase.

The problem is that with these particular speakers, I'm having a heck of a time finding a review! I thought for sure some people on Audiogon would have an opinion to share.

Thanks guys
These speakers will probably not come up for review, unless they are part of a review for a complete NHT home theatre speaker package and then the Zeroes would most likely be the surround speakers. Are you still resisting the suggestion to go hear them in person?

FWIW: Most folks on Audiogon are not fussing with $200 speakers. Not a value judgment, just an observation. I would try over at the Audio Asylum to see if anyone is chatting these speakers up .

Regards, Rich