watt puppy 7 / sophia?

I am interested in hearing opinions on spending money on used Watt Puppy 7's for $15,000 with decent amp setup, or should I spend $7,000 on used sophias and the remainding $8,000 on a good amp setup? Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.
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I find myself in a similar position as Karmapolice. I recently listened to the WP8s and Maxx2. I own the WP 7s and Watchdog II. The Maxx2 is a better speaker, but as with all things, one has to justify the cost. The WP8s are better sounding than the 7s, but not as different as they would like you to believe.

The fact is, there really aren't that many people spending over 10K for speakers. Karmapolice, I have found in the past that it is very difficult to sell WP speakers even when the price is lowered. I have always had to have my Wilson dealer handle the sale for me. It appears that when people are spending this much money, they are not willing to take a chance with a private party unless you give them away. Check out the prices on other expensive speakers being offered on Audiogon.

To Kharma Police

I have to agree with you on your WP vs Maxx assesement, If you add a really good subwoofer to the WP the diffferences grow quite small. Obviouly the taller speaker will have a bigger soundstage.

Please don't think that I am anti WP because of my strong support of Usher. I have sold more WP than probably anyone on the planet, and I still love the speakers, I am just pissed off on Wilson's never ending price increases which are just not justified based on the difference in parts! $22,000.00 is a substantial amount of money for a pair of speakers.
Yes, the Wilson Watchdog is a big improvement for the WP7. I still feel that the Maax2 goes far beyond the WP7+Watchdog combination in performance.

I have have spent time with both models. The 7.1 is much better.

However, neither speaker even makes my top ten. And at their prices they should. My Wilson dealer listen's to ATC's at home, which he also sells, and so do I. They are better and not just better for the money.