Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?

Having won award from Absolute Sound,6Moons etc just wondering if how they compare with others in $25r00-$5K range.With Maggie 1.6/3.6's,Spendors,Harbeths,B&W Nautilus 803's etc not to mention used Quad 988.989,Infinity Preludes that have been seen as low as $3500,Gershman RX-20's used,offerings from Audio Physic (again good values used,heard Sparks where I liked low volume dynamics and read the Gallo's need to be pushed to come alive) well it's a crowded market.But seems like the twop speakers that have major buzz factor are the Gallo and NHT Xd system (selling for a bit over $6K).Live in sticks anbd would like to hear from folks who have put the Gallo's up against other speakers with empahsis on accurate midrange.Had as pair of Ref 2's but never got system set up around them nor dialed them in correctly.Was so nervous that tweeters might blow which were irreplacable got me nervous and I got rid of them pretty quickly.Have heard from dealers that Gallo can be unpleasant in cutomer support and lack of back tweeters could have been his resent ment that they did not sell better.But even though that's speculation is does say that they could be beter in support area.Maybe new models and sales might correct this.,They seemed to have great attributes but also weakneeses.Couldn't shake the feeling they were "gimmicky" in some respects but againn perhaps they were not dialed in proprly.Would lkike to run with 40 watt glass but could go 200+ solid state.Any auditions or owners who could give the good ,the bad and the ugly?
Fin1bxn, sounds like they were either undergoing break-in (for the first hundred hours they sound pretty ghastly) or were miswired, intentionally or unintentionally. Set up and broken-in properly, they are anything but congested and veiled.
Set up and broken-in properly, they are anything but congested and veiled.

I couldn't agree more. I don't own them, but have heard them. They were driven by a Musical Fidelity A5(?) integrated. Stunning detail, air and delicacy.

I keep saying I'm going to buy a pair, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe next year.
I must admit the two times I've auditioned these speakers I
wasn't impressed. They do have a great top end and good bass

Where they lack for me, is the all important midrange. The
speakers sound thin on both occasions in two separate
systems and rooms, I've heard them in. Even the owner of the
last pair I heard was a little disappointed. Not my cup of
tea by a long shot. I went with the intention of buying the
last pair. Thinking maybe the first pair weren't set up dice though.

They do look cool though! I'm sure they make great
conversation pieces if nothing else.
to me, the overarching question is whether anyone would buy the gallos if they didn't look so unique. not that there's anything wrong with buying on the basis of style--it's your money--but i can't help but think that with gear generally. many of us are influenced more by form than by actual sound quality.
Actually, I bought them despite their looks, which I was not fond of. I first listened to the Gallo 3.1s at CES (actually THE Show) a few years back and I thought they were one of the best I heard there. I eventually bought the SA amp to go with them and thick granite stands to raise them a bit as I always thought the soundstage sounded 'short' (for lack of a better description). While I loved the sound (and still do), I eventually sold them and moved on. Currently I have the VS VR 4 Jr's and think they are absolutely fantastic with no weakenesses in any area.