Dahlquist DQ-10 capacitor values?

All the caps which I want to replace in my DQ-10's have no value's.They all have their own numbers starting with DQ,such as DQ1065 (just for example).The only info.that I understand is they also give their voltage rating.Would someone out there have this info.,and any other suggestions for the crossovers that they could pass along ?I'm also looking for the best bang for the buck caps suggestion.Thanks to all in advance.
i just built new boards for my dq-10's. new caps & resistors and reused the inductors. i know the values and have a schematic if our speakers are around the same age. don't know for sure what changes, if any were made to newer models. mine are pretty much first run (old) speakers. they weren't even imaged from the factory. the only difference i found on the schematic that i have compared to the actual crossover was some speaker phasing. you'll have to check yours, but all runs and values were identical. let me know if i can help and i'll send you a print.
Brian, have you noticed a sound difference after rebuilding the crossovers? Would you be willing to share the schematic and component values? I would very much appreciate that. I just bought a pair of first generation DQ-10s (1975, not imaged). I'm toying with the idea of rebuilding.
Go here for a crossover schematic.

I am still looking for my instructions from 1978 when I upgraded mine.
Mingles, the instructions for mirror imaging may be found here: Dahlquist Yahoo! Group Same goes for the later s/n schematics, but those have already been linked to.

- JP
I used to own 2 pairs of DQ 10 1 stock + 1 with a crossover upgrade. The one with the X-over upgrade was a much better sounding speaker, much more open. Got them with the upgrade. Just my 2 cents. My move to Maggies was next. Love them DQ 10 though.