Totem Model 1 Vs. Hawk

Anybody ever do a comparision?

After stands they cost almost the same. Anybody have any opinions on the pros/cons of either besides the idea that the hawks will play louder/lower.

Baroque Lover,

Thanks a for a very very good report you posted. I have two questions for you after reading your post.

1. When you say "The only drawback(s) of the Hawk is its ability to perform well in a very large room "....What sized room do you consider as a very large room ? My room is 16 x 16 x 8. I a just curious whether Hawks will be good enough for my room size.

2. You also said "The Hawks somewhat strayÂ…it still maintains the Totem signature sound, but it is closer in tone to the higher end Sonus Faber". Are you comparing the Hawks sound to Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors/ Cremona (or) Guarneri Series. I had an oppurtunity to compare Totem Mani-2 (dealer does not have a Hawk ) with Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors. Both are darn good speakers with Sonus Faber being a tad more musical than Mani-2. Mani-2 was more accurate, but tad less musical than SF.

3. I am assuming you listened to Sonus Faber also. If so, can you answer this for me ...Money not being a factor, between Hawks, SF Cremona Auditor, SF Concerto Domus ( all within 1100 dollar difference ) which one would be your choice ?



When I say large, I mean LARGE...20X25 +

I speak only of the Cremona series, the Homage is a step up IMO. I can't wait to hear the new Guarneri Memento. I would without hesitation take the Hawk over the lower end SF. The Homage series are still a step up. The Cremona series are closer to the Hawks but I still prefer the hawks.
Barooque Lover,

Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it.

As I mentioned earlier, I auditioned Totem Mani-2 with SF Cremona Auditor and SF Grand Piano. I felt both of the SF speakers are very very musical...with Cremona Auditor being a tad more musical than Mani-2 for my music preferences ( Vocals and Instruments ). But I could not audition Hawks. I just assumed Mani-2 is more musical than Hawks. May be I will try listening to Hawks. If you are preferring Hawks over even Cremona Series then it makes a lot of financial sense to check Hawks against Cremona Auditor.

Also, what electronic gear are you considering for driving Hawks ?

Simaudio Moon I-5 is an ideal candidate.

I prefer the Mani-2 over a wide range of speakers. The higher end SF is still a cut above.