Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
I would order these:

My friend just put one in and he is over the moon happy. I am sorry but I forget the value he used. I will post the fuse rating next time. You may have to take yours out to see the fuse rating or just wait until I post what he ordered.
Correction! Correction! Correction!

Use either one 4 Amp HIFi-Tuning's Supreme Small (20mm/.75) Fast Blow (F) Type $50


One 4 Amp Audio Magic's Liquid Nano The Super Fuse Fast Small $105.00

My vote goes for the Audio Magic.

I am sorry for giving the wrong info in the previous post.

Hello DevilBoy and everyone,

Nice to hear so many great things about the JOB 225 that i am about to purchase next to the Auralic Vega DAC, i am undecided on the passive path...i have been looking at the Khozmo 10k by Akustyk; a unit that the same Srajan reviewed and says it is a great one to work with the JOB 225, but when i look into passive preamps over the net, i don't find too much info about it or comparisons with items like LSA or Axiom, are you looking for more passives to try or you are just happy with the LSA, i cannot decide, i have heard that Vishay "nude" Zfoil resistors are the best ones for these audiophile purposes and are the ones that comes with the KHOZMO. You can check it out:

Thank you and hope to hear some comments about this

Well, I've been burning in the Bent for almost two weeks and whatever hint of brightness I heard is now gone. I took it over a friend's house and same thing, not bright AT ALL. Rich, organic sound with a very transparent, holographic soundstage that's deep, wide and open. I'm afraid the highly regarded LSA has met its match IN MY SYSTEM. Add the convenience of remote volume and balance control and I'm afraid it's a no-brainer.....the Bent shall stay and hold the honor of being "king of the hill" for preamps in my system. Also, the Bent's autoformers handle retrieval of low volume detail and information better than the LSA due to the Bent's superior output impedance at low volumes.

To anyone considering the LSA, please do not misunderstand. The LSA is IMO, is an OUTSTANDING passive and anyone on the fence about purchasing one should get off of it!!! The Bent is considerably more expensive, even on the used market but like I said, IN MY SYSTEM, the Bent is the king.