What do you think of APJ's new Watch Dog 21

Hi, I'm not interested in starting a flame war here. I'm simply interested in what your opinions are of this article and also of the Audio Perfectionist Journal in general. So far, I've agreed with the vast majority of what has been written. What about you?

You can find the Watch Dog at http://www.audioperfectionist.com/pages/watchdog.html
already being discussed on the thread below

Negative publicity is a very effective way to market his $100 magazines!
Mike....there is another thread running on the Audio Perfectionist which I just posted to. In short, IMO, Richard Hardesty is the closest thing you are likely to find to a "straight shooter" in this industry. FWIW, if you like his writing (I do) and seeing that you have similar tastes in system construction, you might want to attend one of his seminars which he does in his home with his system. Usually a two-day affair, it is affordable and a nice opportunity to meet an industry veteran and learn about his views on systems and system tuning.