Impulsive audio purchase

While browsing the "new today" offerings I came across 2 LP's I've always admired. before I knew what was happening my brainstem took over and I made a deal to purchase them. Afterwards reality set in and I realized I don't own a turntable and haven't for 20 years, I don't own a pre-amp, and my audio stand can't fit any more equipment. Am I insane or are ther others who have made a similarly impulsive decision? If you have did you later regret it? [ps-anyone got any suggestions on how I can explain this to my wife?
Been there Noonen. I've got several duplicates of CDs some were bought intentionally, some not. But last summer I had a brief fling with LPs (again) and acquired a LOT of them. It was painful to get rid of them, but I ended up keeping and framing five because of the great cover art. I think we're all various degrees of hopeless. Cheer-up, it could have been a $5K amp. Craig.
Noonen: See if you can get them burned to CD. You can then listen to the CD and look at the album cover. You probably had this in mind when you purchased them, but just forgot.
waita minute here. what's impulsive and whataya need to explain to the wife? can anyone here honestly say they've read every book they ever bought cover-to-cover? now before you get all smug on me, remember that you were probably assigned "moby dick" in one course or another. i see nothing wrong with a collection of a couple of dozen records you'll never play. don't all you guys remember keeping that hopeful rubber in your wallet so long it impressed its perfect roundness permanently into the leather?
Beautiful, Cornfed, I liked that with the prefect roundness and Noonen, please listen to Sigmund and buy a TT.
Swampwalker: Jean Michel Jarre "Oxygene" original master recording. I did like it at one time, but not for long.