Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?

A member on another forum site asked an honest question, check out his question and some of the responses. Is it because of the moderators here on Audiogon, or is it because the members here would not put up with it?
Was I justified in giving my response? I have no idea what the follow up response will be.

THAT was ONE stupid question!!!

Come on!! The guy a) didn't read his manual b) didn't really think that he could just remove the ICs c) left himself open to being grilled.

Audio Asylum is a known site for flames and criticism. If you can't handle it, don't go there. Stay here.

If you can add value and contribute, it's an incredible forum. However, just as in life, you can always ignore the ass-clowns and get some real info.
I don't know how civil Audiogon is....Let me think. There is that one here who constantly corrects everyone else's spelling(he doesn't seem to like us folk for whom English is the 2nd or 3d language)...Then there is a very well-known proponent of home theater vs 2-channel who is constantly lurching and waiting for the right moment to attack... Civil or not?
Ellery I can't believe you thought that interchance was anything but civil!?!
We're just a bunch of friendly Audiophiles trying to enlighten the masses...
Boy I wish they were as smart as I am!
We are more civil here becuase Audiogon sends us free meds.

Can you provide a link to that? :-)