What audio equipment should I take to Kirkuk, Iraq


I may be sent on assignment to Kirkuk, Iraq. What audio equipment should I take with me - no wise cracks please, I have enough worries about this already. For obvious reasons, it has to be portable, play CDs, and of high enough quality to sate my analog/vinyl loving ears. I have the Sennheiser 600 headphones and an ASL OTL headphone but I am not sure whether the amp will work there. I also have a Radio Shack 3400 which has quit working so are there suggestions for a portable CD player with which I can use my Sennheisers.

The 40G storage package will allow almost 600 CD's, and a headphone amp would be an advantage.

If not and YOU HAVE THE TIME; Buy a reconditioned HK CD burner off e-bay direct from HK and transfer all of your music to CDR's. Leave the originals at home. (about $140)
a killer burn deck at the price. Plan B, rip them on your computer. (1:1) is much better but if time is of the essence-----

If not, choose wisely and leave the discontinued CD's at home.

Good luck and may God watch over you while away.

Thanks for the all the great advice. I am leaning towards getting an Ipod but can anyone tell me how I can transfer my CDs onto the Ipod QUICKLY. I really do not have the time to do this at 1:1 speed. The other alternative is a rugged notebook. The added advantage of a notebook is that I can use it for other purposes (watching movies, internet, etc etc) than merely listening to CDs. Is there a recommended software I can use to quickly transfer about 100-200 CDs onto the harddrive of the notebook.

Thanks again.