Forget Expensive Gel Absorbers

Its amazing how your mind works when your in the hobby! Walking through the hardware store I noticed the cheapest tweak yet! Look for ACE Hardware Wall Mount Door Stops ACE Part#51442. These are identical to the Sorbothane (or whatever) half globe gel feet supports that retail for a huge margin. I picked up 4 of these gel doorstops for $6.00!!!
They do a great job!

Have fun!
Im all for CHEAP! I bought some pillows from a 5 + dime cut them in half (triangle shaped ) removed a bit of stuffing and hot glued the seams together.They are now in my upper corners in my room.No doubt they did what I wanted.Less upper mid brightness/glare.Just be careful with the hot glue.It burns the skin like crazy!!! I had blisters on my fingers for days.Im gonna have to check out the "Ace-Pods" All I ever saw was the hard ones at Wal-Mart... I wonder if the hard ones "Wal-Pods" would work better than my BDR cones.
David: Did the hot glue hurt more than when you stepped barefoot on the Aleph? Also, are you related to Kublakahn in any way?
Dekay- The bottoms of ones feet are naturally tough.Probably from our ancestors who use to walk on hot coals at beer and pot parties.My hands are nurses hands.Frequent washing and lotioning.I pamper them!
To answer your question..when I stuck my bare (R) foot
on the (36 hours on) Aleph I kept it in place for several seconds before quickly removing my foot with a same time comment of "OH,SHIT!" When I was hot glueing the "corner tunes" there was a continuous scream throughout my glueing procedure.There is no comparison to the pain level,trust me.