Speakers: all-time worst

What is the all-time worst (home audio speaker systems, not the plastic cabinets or ceiling types) loudspeaker system that you have heard, and why? In other words, the all-time worst value.
OK, OK, you guys probably have it right with the Bose 901s (or the Bose mini satellite Home Theater System). But in terms of today's systems, I think the sound of the Wilson MAXX speakers is pretty poor. Very exxageratted presentation.
Bose reps in the 70s had an insane demo I guess to show the durability of the 901s fool-range drivers. They wouuld plug the speaker directly into a wall socket. It would rip the cones to shreds but remain buzzing at 60hz. With technology like that who needs sound?
I had a pair of Bose 501's back in the early 70's before I knew better. They were the greatest thing since sliced bread in my opinion, I know better now. The accoustimass speakers are okay, just way overpriced for what they offer, excellent marketing Dr. Amar, other high end manufacturers could learn (some have including Vandersteen, NHT, Magnepan Paradigm and others I'm sure I've left out)I think Wilson is an overall poor value read OVERPRICED in my opinion). I think Cerwin Vega might take the ultimate prize from what I've heard of their boomy boxes. They absolutely suck the worst yet they continue to sell.......go figure.
Well, let's throw in something made in Britain - the Celestion Ditton 25; a speaker designed to take advantage of the fact that 12inch drivers disqualified the speaker from Purchase Tax back in the 70s (professional, you see..) Unfortunately, they also disqualified it from having anything other than awful boomy bass, supported by two HF13OOs wired in parallel for the mid and a T2000 tweeter that sounded awful. With the grilles off, it looked like a homebrew and sounded worse. Even in the 70s it was bad, I got shot of them soonest and changed them for - Celestion Ditton 66s! Yes, the same philosophy (12" units, ABR and all) but done properly and sounding pretty good until I got the Gale 401s with the coooool chrome end caps - enough said.