Best Manufacturer's Website Features

What features do you like to see when you visit audio or video manufacturer's website?

Many Audiogon members spend a lot of time looking at manufacturer's websites. Hear is a post to list those features that you would like to see on ALL manufacturer's websites. Maybe we'll get lucky and a few manufacturers will actually look at this post.

Here's my list:

Essential features
* Suggested retail prices for ALL products
* An accurate list of dealers and what part of the line each one carries
* Links to the dealer's website if they have one
* Multiple view pictures of all of the products for sale
* Full Technical Specifications for all products

Optional, but nice features
* PDF versions of the owner's manuals
* Information on discontinued products
* PDF versions of the product brochures
I'd like to have rapid access to product info, and rather not have to wait around for fancy animated graphics and Macromedia Flash displays to load. It is a waste of time.

I want good photos, and easy access to the needed information.
I would also think that associated pieces that are known to work well with whatever is offered should be listed. It's unusual to find this type of information and many times dealers are your only source.
Martin Logan has a "click here to transfer warranty", allowing the buyer of a used ML product that is still within the warranty period to register their speakers. Common sense prevails in Kansas!

All of the features mentioned above are a must, there is no excuse not to have a content-rich site. If the manufacturer has no experience in developing websites I'm sure the 16 year-old kid next door can do it for them for next to nothing.
I agree with everything there, except the dealer list part. This can be a list for competitors to go poaching, and is why many manufacturers don't do this. I know as a consumer, you just want the basic information of who your dealer is. Thus you should be able to e-mail someone and get that answer indirectly through the website. I also agree about the animations--our website is guilty of not having a shortcut to skip those, that's on the to do list for our site.
Im always disappointed if a site does not clearly list features such as preamp out on int.amps or how many inputs/outputs on preamps. Also, quality pictures are a must. A tiny sidebar pic of a speaker doesnt encourage me to show it to my wife! Some speakers have a gorgeous wood finish but you would never know from their website. Reminds me of when a car mag has a scoop on some new car and all you get are fish-eye lens views that leave you wondering what the hell it looks like (and what were they are thinking?).