Happy Holidays to ALL

I know that I have been MIA for a while, but the world is changing and I am trying to keep up.. PANT.... PANT.... PANT......

When I logged back onto this site, I felt -home- straight away.

Yeah, there is a ton of great information and ideas being shared here and lots of good stuff to buy and sell; but to me, that's not the REAL VALUE of AudioGon - It's the fellowship, the friendships, the commarade that is found here and outside (because of friendships established here).

I wanted to send out a shout to all my friends here and wish you all the VERY BEST. You mean a lot to me and this year, more than ever, I feel a need to make sure that people know that.

I propose to launch this thread - where we just get to "talk" about how the friendships and learnings made here and just feel good about that.

Angela aka AJ
Hi Angela! I was wondering where you've been.
Lots of "old regulars" MIA as well.
Happy Holidays to you Angela and everyone else here at AudiogoN.
Unfortunately, (as we all know but forget) you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Make an effort to appreciate your loved ones, friends and all that’s happening in your life. It was only a few months ago the unthinkable happened (9/11) and none of us should need a reminder like that again in order to grab all the great gusto we each have in our lives and in this great country we live in. Sorry for rambling on…
Happy Holidays to all! (I love this site)!
Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year Angela. That goes out to you and everyone that is part of the agon family. Let us bring in the New Year with a positive out look and of course some great sounding music:~)

Take care
Nice to see you back in the forums!

Hey, thanks, everyone! I am SOOO HAPPY to *see* so many familiar faces! Anyone snowed in, yet? Even out here in California, the weather has been wild! I swear I saw snowflakes this morning and I live on the coast! Good day for a fire and some hot cider. I am DONE shopping so I am not out in that crowd this year. First time ever, I usually see the same people out there every year, I was about to start sending them cards this year...
Only new audio purchases were a new rack for the HT (Bello)and a Lovan Sovereign for the Classe CA300 and it looks stunning, I tell ya...
May the world be safe, our loved ones stay healthy, and may we all have more time to spend with our friends and family, wherever they may be. God bless ya'all and have a wonderful holiday.