What music do you want to play really loud?

What music do you want to crank up your system for?
I want to know the title and the artist, any type of music.
My choice is The Wall by Pink Floyd.
Organ music using the lowest bass octave is my preference. The largest organ in the world with the deepest bass (8 hertz) is in Atantic City. Unfortunately it is no longer operational, and hasn't been for decades due to the cost of renovations. However, I do have a recording of this organ from the fifties restored and converted to CD. One track has an interpretation of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor except the organist uses the deepest notes to show off the 64 foot pipe. It's too bad that my subwoofer only goes down to 12 hertz. Bach would have turned over in his grave if he heard this interpretation.