Which artists do you just not get?

I love folk. I love rock n roll. I love jazz, classical, C&W, blues and bluegrass.

At the risk of being labeled a troglodyte, a philestine, or worse, I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache. Reminds me of a cat and a chalk board. Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something.

Who else has the courage to admit to disliking music that vast portions of the population seems to go gag-ga over?

Rule number 1, Don't get personal or call other posters names because they just dissed your favorite artist.

Rule number 2, keep it civil.

Rule number 3 - HAVE FUN!
Here's the purpose Ben_Campbell: To help each other find something of value within what they don't like. Example: Viggen should listen to Orff's Carmen Burina or the opera Carman.

Me? I can't understand the Mapleshade label (although the sound is great), and Diana Krall (where's the emotion)?
Imin2u- Viggen may have a hard time finding an opera carman, but he may enjoy carmen ;) Don't want him to get too confused if he is to try and find it :o)
Imin2u-that's not what the thread asks for at all.
It doesn't say list stuff you don't like then fans should post why these artists/musical forms are valid-that might have been slightly more interesting, though I doubt even detailed validation of some of the artists listed above would help those "who don't get it" especially when you've seen what some folks have written...........scarey but not surprising.
If I may. This post was all about having a little FUN in a "the emperor has no clothes" sort of way. A friendly, healthy way to blow off a little steam on a late spring/summer Friday & Saturday night. It was never meant as any sort of philosophical debate.

I agreed with some posts, disagreed with others. Some of the most entertaining posts for me were the ones that dissed some of MY favorite artists and genres. Thanks to all who posted. :o)
Ben_Campbell you have a right to voice your opinion about the thread and in fact you have a right to not participate in the thread at all if you think it's a waste, but I think one of the values of the thread is to make us think a little more about what we like, what we don't like and why. I for one have learned a great deal about music from my music students because they've introduced me to the likes of Tool, Linkin Park, Ashanti, etc. and I'm over 50.

It's actually fun reading this thread because it just re-confirms to me our wonderful differences in music. My passion as a kid in the 60's was classical instrumental, then rock. As I grew musically I learned to love jazz and then some of the country music. Lately I've been gravitating to some of the world music groups particularly from Ireland and Africa, and in the last six years I have been voracious in my appetite for vocal music thanks to a graduate professor in choral conducting who opened the ears of a woodwind player and band director.

Anyway, this threads been fun. I think I'll start a new one asking for your finest choral, classical vocal recordings.

As for Diana Krall Imin2u, I agreed with you until I heard her Live in Paris CD. Listen to the whole thing for passionate emotion, but her remake of Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You" is so packed with emotion that I can't believe it could'nt move almost anyone. As for her earlier stuff, maybe it's too over produced in the studio I don't know, but I do know if she comes to the New England area I'm going.