...there is an interesting record:

...performed by Laurie Anderson that was never transfered on CD since it doesn't have lead-in groove. You cannot actually play this record from the very beginning no-matter how good you will aim.
I've never seen it neither on ebay nor on any vinyl website.

Also I have a CD of Henry Kaiser and Sergey Kuriokhin where they strongly suggest playing tracks randomly every time you want to listen so you will hear the music different.
I tend to agree with the random play idea; with some exceptions for "concept" albums, altho even then it may be a good idea periodically.
Didn't Ms. Anderson's Significant Other, Lou Reed, make a record (Metal Machine Music?) with an infinite loop at the end? What an interesting pair!
Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed are a couple ???

So what happens if you set the stylus down at the very outer edge ??? Sean