SS Amp for Triangle Speakers

Can anybody recommend a good SS Amp(preferrably integrated) that is a good match with the new Triangle Esprit floorstanders in terms of them not being overly bright? I am looking for a warm or even tube sounding amp that is SS to match them with these speakers, I listen to mainly rock music.
Joe: I was wondering if anybody was going to catch that. As far as calling Sam a "gentleman", maybe that's our problem. That is, it's hard to have a gentleman-like conversation between two people ( Sam & I in specific ) when neither of them is a gentleman : ) Sean
Triangle's tend to be a pretty sensitive speaker. Tube or even hybrid would make sound extremely well, if you like the warmth of the lamps. If you have the money (slightly over the two grand for used) I recommend the Viva. I met the engineer in NY two weeks ago and that was his best match to his amp. I would also go for the Audio Aero or the Thule. Unison Research (the hybrid) may suit them extremely well too if you like (again) the bias of the tubes. Hope this helps.
I have heard once a triangle floorstander with pathos hybrid integrated amp. It was a nice sound.
I concur with the Pathos recommendation. In solid state, Audio Refinement would also be a good match, either the Complete integrated or one of the power amps.