Anyone have opinion on PSE mkV amps?

I was interested to know if anyone has listened to these amps. If so can I get your impressions? What would be a good price for them?
Thanks, Pal.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
forgot to add..

new studio v's go for $2995
signature series go for $3500..

i think audio connection out of nj is a dealer.

I just purchased a second hand PSE HL-1 pre. Waiting for Dean to send me an owners manual. My amp is in for service, so I have not listened yet. I'm hoping it outperforms the ARC LS-25mk1 I sold. Rumour has it there will be a Signature upgrade to the HL-1.
How do I get a hold of Dean. I purchased the MK V that was on e-bay. I need to get it serviced.
I believe this address is current-
Professional Systems Engineering, Inc.
9755 Hamilton Road
Eden Prairie, MN. 55344
612.943.1677 tel