Why all these JC-1's for sale?

I don't doubt that this is a very good product and an extraordinary value, but i'm curious to understand why in the space of 1 month or so i have seen seven pairs of these jc-1's for sale here at audiogon. Could it be that these people purchased them at a discount and are selling now for a profit or is there something regarding their performance that is amiss? Could it be a coincidence? I am not familiar with these amps but have read about them. As always this forum is an opportunity for all to better understand important products that come into our passionate hobbie. Please, fire away!
Thanks Sean! Yes twelve amps got out the door to reviewers and yours truly in 8/02 with two parts of incorrect value in the regulators, the contractor's error. DeWulf had trouble breaking in the units as did Wayne Donnelly, but Donnelly stuck with them, breaking them in as requested and Parasound was awarded a Product of the Year in 2003 in Superior Audio. The units with incorrect parts values were all fixed by 1/03 when the last of the review samples came back in. All the stock had been pulled and the two resistors swapped out in November 02 BTW......There are no amps with incorrect parts values out there.....

Aron, funny you mention replacing the JC-1s with Rowland 12s as had a customer replace his Rowland 12s with the JC-1s.....Personal preference I suppose......

I am not aware of any issues in the service department and suggest you take this up with Richard Schram as have had trouble with two amps ( of about thirty) both of which were resolved very quickly. One had an early failure and was replaced and the other had a led burn out.......

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders
Aron and Tpk123,

Based on the interactions I have had with Richard Schram, I'm quite confident that any customer service breakdowns happened without his knowledge. He runs a very tight ship, but that doesn't mean he knows everything that goes on. I'm quite confident that Richard doesn't stand for customers not being taken care of as quickly and courteously as possible. Call Parasound at 1-888-888-5115 and ask for Richard Schram. Tell him Bob and Duke sent you. Or call me at (504) 866-1730 and I will call Richard for you.

>two amps (of about thirty)

Does that mean there are thirty of these amps out there total? Fifteen pairs?
Drubin, Parasound did not have much in the way of High End dealers initially so I asked to become a dealer for my CTC preamp customers. I sold about thirty amps and ran out of customers over a year ago and retired from the retail business. Had a failure of one amp shortly after delivery and it was replaced within a week and a month ago had an led burn out and it was turned around in about ten days door back to the same door.....The amps are done in batches of a hundred units and believe Parasound is selling out of the fourth batch now.
Thanks for the clarification, Bob. As ssid, there were some units with the wrong part installed, which were corrected as quickly as possible once it was discovered. Of the hundreds out there in use, there were few that had this, handled promptly.

Richard Schram is fanatically dedicated to quality and service, as anyone who has spoken with him has found out. Aron and Tpk123, I suggest that you contact Richard and discuss whatever issues you have or had, because he would not knowingly allow customer dissatisfaction to occur because of something they did or didn't do. If I may be of help please contact me.

Brian Walsh