Does an aftermarket power cord matters for Amp?

I am currently using the stock power cord for my VAC Avatar tube integrated amp. I have upgraded my cdp's power cord (given the trigger-down theory with source component) a while ago with a Synergistic Research A/C Master Coupler and had good results. I have been wondering if I should do the same for the Amp and question if it really does make a difference. If so, is it significant and worth the investment?
If you are happy with the Synergistic AC Master Coupler you are using on your front end, you might want to just step up a notch. I use the Active AC Master Coupler (w/mpc) on my B&K receiver with very good results. This last weekend I tried a Dimarzio PC (I use Dimarzio Super M-Path speaker cables) and although the sound was pleasant, the SR provided a much wider bandwidth of info and better bass. Also, many P/C's still exhibit an audible hiss when the sound is muted. The Active SR virtually eliminates the hiss. all of the above suggestions are good, however you could just stay with something you know. My 2 cents.
My first pc upgrade was two relatively inexpensive Sonic Horizon cable into my amp and preamp. The difference from the stock cords was quite noticeable -- more refined sound. I have since "upgraded" tp more expensive Michael Wolff cords. They make subtle improvements, but not as significant as the replacement of stock cords. The replacement of stock cords created a larger difference than when I subsequently added a Richard Gray Power Company 600.
Funny that member Jkphoto pushes Kubala-Sosna. When Jkphoto is the Kubala. Nice try.
After trying many P/C's from the Cable Co. I found the Shunyata Mojave's to be the best sonic match for my B&K mono amps.
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