seems like static

I have a Rogue Magnum 88/99 combo. At the start up of the amp right after the warm up click of the cicuit, there is a zzzzzz. Then during random moments, even with the volume all the way down. I hear what sounds like a static discharge coming from the right speaker. the static is random, sometimes for a split second, other times for a second or so. All all random times from 10 seconds to 30 apart. I have tried everything to figure this out. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Scott
I have a Rogue Audio 66 Magnum preamp and an 88 Magnum amp and experienced the same thing for quite a while. It was intermittent and sounded very much like you described. I cleaned the tube sockets but it did not eliminate the problem. Eventually however it did subside and it has been many months since it has occurred again.
Is this tube /pre/amp? If so, sounds like you have a tube going bad. Take the tubes from the right side and put in the left. If the static moves channels...then it's a tube.

I'm sorry I can't narrow it down to a specific tube without knowing more about your pre or amp...
I think I might have it. I did switch the tubes and it made no difference. I use a Salamander type stand, so I moved my amp out from underneath the pre. I put the amp on a different stand to the side. So far the problem is gone. The amp was about 3-4 inches below the pre. Could this have been the culprit?