Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?

These blocks should have XLR input and double speaker outputs to allow bi-wiring.
Current pre-amp: Sonic Frontiers Line 3.
I prefer solid-state blocks.
Would the (hefty priced) Lamm M1.1 blocks make the Guarneri's sing ?
On second thought, are you the owner of the Graafs mentioned in another recent thread? If so, why not keep those for the Guarneri & spare yourself the trouble (& the money) of change? If not, do consider them, as well as Tenor (75 should do), Jadis (80 upwards) OR -- ss -- YBA passion (stereo is OK), S-Line Kraft 250 (stereo, one of the most enjoyable matches). BUT you'd have to consider eschewing the balanced connection...

Many other choices are sure to surface: I'm just relating my limited experience with your speakers (later model). Cheers
My Guarneri's are from 2001, and I'm not the owner of the Graafs.
Monoblocks, because my speakercables (Kharma Grand Ref) are only 1 meter long.....
Do you feel the LAMM M1.1 blocks are overkill for these speakers ?