Best Integrated Amp for the money

I started with a Marantz PM80, moved to the ever popular Musical Fidelity A3 and have now settled on what I would rate IMHO as a no compromise design, build and immensely musical Integrated Amp.
I agree with Marakanetz. The Plinius 8200 is a great integrated and selling for 40% of the retail price.
I own both the Plinius and the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista and really feel that the MF is in a different league. I do love the Plinius, I mean I own it, but the Musical Fidelity does everything the Plinius does and then some. Refinement, detail, soundstage, air, all these types of audiophile words, the MF has in spades. Again, I would suggest a Nu-Vista or Tri-Vista.