Looking for Silent Fan Cooling f my ARC Tube AMP

I have my ARC tube amp in a corner. I like to stick a fan behind it . The one from radio shack worked great but made a little noise. Any suggestions . Thanks to all !
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I don't get it. ARC's VT100 mk2 has a fan mounted inside the chassis. It's on the bottom of the amp, and I haven't checked to see if it is blowing up or down. However, what IS that fan doing besides bringing new air into the chassis for cooling? Is the VT100 mk2's design flawed in that respect?
I actually have my fan behind my rack circulating the air away from the rack. But I need a totally silent fan.
As for quiet fans, I found this site a while back that sells ultra quiet fans for PC's. I've never dealt with them so I can't attest to the quality of their service, but you might check out their catalog and see if there are products available that fit your needs.

i have an ARC fan set-up with a vent sytem -rack mount in their aluminum finish. USed for my old ARC tube amps- no scratches on it.

Stuart Kishner

[email protected]
cooling fan with no noice........take a so great possible fan and reduce the rotation speed

works verry well
