What Power amp SS would you recommend........

that has high current and lots of power for base....I will be using this amp for the bottom end (subs) of my RS 1B system. Infinity suggested (when they introduced the speakers 20 years ago) to use a high current amp with lots of power for the subs.
I am currently using a Perreux 2150B rated at 200 wpc@8 ohms and 400@ 4 ohms.
I was considering the Krell 250 KVA, Mark Levinson ML-3, Rotel 1090, Threshold Stasis 500. As you can see I am considering all used items as I would like to stau arond 1-1.5K.

Thanks all for your help!

parasound HCA2200, 3500, or similar, yes...volume control for easy volume match with top amp, and very very good solid bass for cheap!!(a parasound trademark really)...
In my oppinion, if you're spending more on higher end amps for your purpose, your wasting money, and not getting better bass!!!!
Hey...folks ... good suggestions (Sean) good idea (3150).....BUT....what about the amps I suggested? Threshold Stasis 500....Krell KVA 250a or Rotel?? They are easier to find (at least the Krell is)?

Thanks again for your ideas and suggestions!

I run a Rotel RB-991 for my pair of DIY NHT 1259's. I also have a Parasound HCA 1500A. Both are 200 watts x2 at 8 ohms and are plenty of juice. If you want more power, go with the Rotel 1090, or a similar Parasound. But I agree with Lthkeepr, don't spend more, you are wasting money. If you want to go even cheaper, Adcom GFA-555's can be bridged to put of 600 watts at 8 ohms. You can buy two of these for $700. Just some thoughts, good luck.
