Multi-channel amp questions

I have a HT setup that I also use for stereo music. My Yamaha receiver with my VR series Boston Acoustics speakers work fine for HT, but I'm just not that happy with the 2-channel stereo sound. I'm considering adding an amplifier to help things out, but can't decide if I should get a 2-channel amp ( many options out there in the sub-1000 used range), or multi-channel amps ranging from 3-7 channels( not too many in the $1000 range). I see a lot on B&K, but not a whole lot about them written at this site. One amp in particular that caught my attention is the Citation 7.1. In other discussions this was the suggested amp for HT/stereo combo systems. What I don't understand is why a 4-channel? I read about bridging the channels etc, but at 150x4, bridging doesn't excite me much, I would think a 5 channel would be preferable ( 5.1 soundtracks). I'm leaning towards SS, partly due to ignorance of tube amps and partly due to the HT nature of my setup.
Clarifications, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You may want to look at manufacturers like Bryston that make a variety of multi-channel amps (2,3, and 5 channel). That allows some flexibility and expansion options. I own a Bryston 9B ST (and love it), but may eventually add a 4B ST toi have some more oomph for the front L/R channels, especially for music.
I'd recommend trying new main speakers. A good efficent speaker would be a better upgrade then adding more power to a so-so speaker. Try Paradigm speakers as a cost effective choice. Klipsch are pretty good, or Definitive Technology.

If you do go with mutli channel amp (under $1200), check out ATI, Outlaw, Bryston (good amps, but expensive compared to others I mentioned) or yes, B&K.
Rotel is another manufacturer to consider...good solid amps and exceptionally good value. The RMB-1075 is prettily highly regarded as a 120x5 amp, and it retails for $1200, so you should be able to pick one up used for well under a grand.
Mdomnick: I auditioned Paradigm and Def Tech speakers and just wasn't happy with the sound. I thought the Def Tech's sounded really nice and even turned a friend on to them, but I don't think either one of these has anything on my Boston Acoustics VR M60's.
Mdomnick: I do appreciate your comments / suggestions though. I am curious as to why you would classify Boston's as inferior to these other brands, you've got me wanting to head back up to my hi-fi shop this weekend and demo the Klipsch. What's up with the horn "tweeters"?