Is Audio Research Corp alive and well?

my dealer has not been able to get in touch with ARC re: some problems with my amps. i was told ARC usually provides excellent response and service. i hope ARC is doing ok. i'd hate to see this company go under.
yep...i've figured it out now. the situation is as Kiwi has described. the distributor/dealer must have been uncooperative as i did not buy the ARC amps from him.
thanks guys!
I have eight pieces of Audio Research and I live in a remote area and talk to Leonard quite often about one thing or another, Always a lot of help, never is thier a problem getting a answer about electronics or wire products. You should call Leonard yourself and get the answers.
They still seem to be alive! I made a phone call about two weeks ago from the number on their site. I am ordering a remote, so there are still live bodies there!
in response to Kiwi's remark regarding the cd3IT'S SO GOOD THAT IT'S BACKORDERED FOR 3 WEEKS ,GIVE IT AN AUDITION!
the cd3 is very good
but it could have been better

ARC decided not to go with new upsampling for the machine

I've extensively demo'd a dac 3 and a cd2 against my EVS MIllenium II

no contest, the EVS 24/192 evs upsampler beats the ARC in every way and only cost $1050.
reviews at

arc missed the boat with no upsampling imho