Bryston or Classe

I currently have a h/t receiver with a Bryston 4B-ST with 804's and want to bring a good 2 channel pre-amp into the mix strictly for 2 channel listening. Looking for any input on either the Bryston or Classe pre-amps. I have heard that Classe is slightly warmer and possibly more musical then Bryston with the amps but not to sure how the pre-amps match up.
Hey Andrew,

Maybe I can chime in as well as I've had 2 Bryston 3B amp (100 Watt)/0.5 preamps for the last 15 years and in just the last 3 months have switched over to a Classe SSP-25 pre/pro and CAV-75 6 channel amp. Soundwise I'd have to say that the Classe is the clear winner - much smoother, more detailed, and yes "quicker". Keep in mind that the Brystons are 15-year-old models and I'm sure (hope) the newer ones have improved. Nobody can beat the Bryston service however.
I have listened to Bryston 3BST, 4BST and 7BST monoblocks in a friend's system. Also, I auditioned Bryston prior to making a purchase. In the end, I chose to go with a Classe CA 300 amp and CP 47.5 pre-amp. In my experience, both Classe and Bryston deliver the goods, and I have a good opinion of Bryston. But to my ears, the smooth, mellow sound of Classe is more appealing. I just love listening to jazz horns played through the Classe.

Points to consider: 1. I believe synergy between components might be an issue. I use all Classe gear, for example. 2. Bryston has an excellent reputation (Stereophile rates Bryston Class A and B consistently) 3. Your mileage may vary. What sounds good one person might not sound good to another. I've auditioned some awfully expensive gear over the years that just didn't sound good to me.
I've come to similar conclusions on my own about Classe gear. Bryston is an outstanding value but not in the same league as Classe. Someone asked why there seems to be so much used Classe gear on the market. It is my belief that this is because Classe has been around for such a long time and their gear is very popular... and their gear is very popular because of the excellent sound, yet Classe is reasonably priced and competes right up there with the mega buck brands. Just my humble opinion.

I cannot comment on Classé power amps, but my Classé cp 800 pre amp has a lot of issues: input switching does not work from time to time , ditital ticking from time to time, and the ios app does not work at all. Made some youtube video about it: and

Hopefully andrewzz figured out which one was better in the past 16 years since his post.