Need help choosing...


I am modifying my system, one step at a time, and I need a little input (so to speak):

My front end consists of an EAD 2000 CD player, a tuner and a CJ PV10AL preamp.

I have a pair of PS Audio Delta250 mono amps, which I am going to replace, connected via 6-meter Audioquest Rubys.

My speakers are NHT 3.3s (which I just purchased and have not installed yet. I also have two suwoofers (I can use either/or, or none) - an older, powered Velodyne 12", and a new NHT Sub Two powered dual 10". If I use one of the subs, I need input on cabling, too. Maybe I'll use my AQ Rubys, and get new cables for the mains.

My room is large, app. 25 ft x 40 ft with a pitched ceiling rising from 12 ft to 20 ft, one wall of all glass, carpeted floors.

I am in the music business, and for my critical listening, listen primarily to rock and pop music, VERY loudly.

My questions are these-

1) I LOVE the sound and feel of tubes, and would love to use mono tube amps in my system, but I am concerned about power, and about lack of bass extension/control/slam. Which used amps do you recommend? I have been looking at VTL (225t or 250s), Manley (Ref 350s), Melos (400 watt triodes), Sonic Frontiers (Power 2 or 3s), etc.

2) Should I go Solid State, and stick with Krells, MLs, Brystons or the like?

3) Should I biamp, and then get an external x-over, tube amps for the high end and use my PS Audios for the woofers? Or use one of the powered subwoofers?

Any thoughts??

Thanks - Jeff
I think you need something that glows in the dark. I use Atma-Sphere to good effect. Sonic Frontier 3s would be a good choice, too. I don't have experience with the other amps you mention. Why don't you put some romance in your life? Toobs.
You might want to try Plinius/XLO Sig combo on top or a Conrad J. tube amp and Purist cabling.I would stay away from using different amps top/bottom,you may never get the soundstage to solidify completely.Try to find a cable set- up that you can use thru out the whole system and drive it with one amp.Either class-A biased SS or Push-Pull tube.The VTLs are good,but the SF and Melos I would have reason to pause before making that decision.The latest Krell and Bryston designs may fit the bill-leaning toward Krell.Good luck and let us know the results.

Thanks for the replies - a few followups:

1) I need a LOT of power to get the SPL I crave, so will CJ amps be able to do the trick (within affordability limits, of course - under 3K used for a pair of monoblocks);

2) If I go tubes, Manley, VTL, old Mac gear or any other suggestions?;

3) Same question for cabling - what about tmc - you know, that company from Australia? If not, what's affordable out there used? I need a 0.5m between CD and pre, and a 6-7m run between monoblocs and preamp, as well as a 5m run between preamp and subwoofer.

Thanks again) - Jeff
WOW-Big room. Your right on needing more amp power.The PS mono blocks will run out of steam when pushed to those levels. I would recommend trying to find some Threshold Class A mono blocks such as the S 1000 that is 500 Watts Class A,but do not use a tube pre amp with the Thresholds.Check out the websites listed below for Threshold,the applications you need seem to call for Threshold Power