Who services Meitner MTR 101 amps in U.S.?

In years past, Meitner was absorbed by another high end manufacturer and I am looking for information where to contact them to have a Meitner mono amp serviced for a buzzing sound. Or, if anyone knows a good high service shop in the San Francisco area, that would help too. Thanks.
If you go to http://www.cadvision.com/ads/adshome.htm you will find the
a/d/s web page for Canada. Click on Museatex. It will have all sorts of Meitner/Museatex information
including on-line manuals and service information.

I haven't checked with them in a while, but the last time I did, Ed Meitner answered the phone.

I had my amps upgraded elsewhere, but that's only because I hadn't tracked down Ed Meitner. Presumably you have
using the link above, but for the benefit of those searching the archive, I'd recommend the a/d/s page.
I don't think repairs/upgrades are being done through a/d/s any longer. I got no repsonse from them last winter.

Emmlabs is probably the best bet.
Posting, I know, to a very old thread, but just in case this is useful, John Wright still services and upgrades Meitner, Museatex and Melior products.

All the relevant info at: www.museatex.com.



[Own and recommend Meitner PA-6 and PA-6+ preamps, STR-55 stereo and MTR-101 mono amps; no experience with their digital stuff.]
Joel, have you had your pieces serviced and/or upgraded by John Wright?  Can you share price info?  Thanks!