Time of listening session?

Hi, I was wondering what part of the day do you listen to your system? I listen to my system mostly late night but I sometimes listen during the afternoon. I feel the gets me during the night.
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Late afternoon, early evening. Although my condo neighbors have never complained, I have a self imposed curfew of 9:30.
I listen late at night probably 40% of the time, early morning 40% of the ime, and "other" (usually weekends during the day)20%
At night, and especially early morning at 6 am or so, my ears are more sensitive so I notice the volume is much lower for same effect.
I`m hooked on the early Gunsmoke series,late 1950s-mid 1960s(black and white era). The characters,writing and story lines are top notch,good call.Old stuff but compelling.