Room treatment made me cry.......a little........

I recently purchased some GIK bass traps (6), diffusion panels (2), wall panels (8) and removed my TV from the room. The TV was located between the speakers. I will update my virtual system pictures next week.

I simply could not believe how much my music improved. While listening to Peter Gabriel I teared up as I was more emotionally connected to the music then ever before in my music room. . Same system and room - new acoustically treated room. I have listened to his Scratch My Back CD many times, but never like this.

I write this post as I want others to know that this investment is perhaps the best investment I have made in my music in 30 years. Amazing and not expected, at least not this level of improvement and emotional connection.

I knew my system always sounded great, but makes me tear up.
Amazing and not expected, at least not this level of improvement and emotional connection.
I'm very happy for you now that you are so emotionally connected to your music during playback. Good job!

I don't where you've been bwteen then & now but it's been written & said (if you attend audio shows, informal gatherings at friends' places, dealer's showrooms, etc) that the room is perhaps the most important interface to a music playback system. You could get 1 item each from every Stereophile A list OR TAS's best of the best OR from your favourite audio mag and you could connect those components together in your listening room & you will find that your sonics are not A-list at all; in fact, not even close until you treat your room. You could have trolled the A'gon archives for tomes written on this subject to find that the room is the inital/final frontier w.r.t. playback. Anyway, I/we are happy that you learnt this in this life-time! ;-) Enjoy your music & keep a few Kleenex handy.... :-)
Bombaywalla, I'm no spring chicken just onto something new...

I have tried products from Echo Busters and other companies I won't mention. I have also built my own panels before. They NEVER did what these GIK panel did however. I ended up removing the others and selling them.

I guess I am saying it WORKED this time and with this company - GIK.

So yes I have been around and seen and heard. This is the first time this "stuff' has worked for me in my personal experience.

So I am excited.
I will add those other products just dulled the sound to the point that all the excitment was lost. I have educated myself on correct placements etc... and while these GIK products were placed in the exact same positions of the past room treatment products, the results with the GIK's are simply amazing.

Perhaps this helps give my post some perspective
"Room treatment made me cry"

Glad to hear it due to the results, not the cost! :-)

Do you think removing the TV was a significant part of the improvement?

Mapman, I have removed the TV to test before the treatments showed up and while there was an improvement, it was not that pronounced. The TV was about 5 feet behind the front plane of the speakers so perhaps that also helped negate some of the TV factor?

The cost was reasonable as I purchased most of these used here on Agon.