Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?

Ten long years and way to much $$$ lost running sometimes backwards and sideways.

No more for me. I am very happy with the end result and can live a very long time with what I have built.

The Lampizator / Tenor was what brought me to the end and took the longing out of me for better sound.

What say you?
The 'end' you think, but I've been at this for over fifty years and there is no end, but the grave. Looking forward to heaven, when music will be endless.
Gotta say, I have no current plans for major changes. I have owned the Aerial 9's for about 5 years, Lector for 3 yrs. and Tom Evans Vibe/Pulse for 3 years (off and on - I have owned several of them). I have only had my Clayton amps about a year, but with the upgrade to current product, I cannot imagine wanting different amps. The only possible near-future changes I foresee would be with my source, where I am currently going between the Lector and a MUSE, and also by potentially adding server based music.

To get here required some stops, starts and sideways moves to try new things which usually were not aligned with my sonic preferences. I have found simpler to be better for me, by staying mostly away from tubes, simplifying support options with Herbie's products, and getting off the cable merry-go-round. In summary, I will not say I am totally done forever but, for now, I will move forward at a much slower pace since my current system sounds great to me, I am a little tired of the upgrade process, and I have other ways I would prefer to spend my time. To answer the OP question, I started upgrading my previous system of 15 years around 1999, so it has taken 12 years to achieve my current system.
There is no finish line. It's like quitting smoking. You are really just putting off having the next one.

30+ years at it and still messing around.
Perhaps no finish line, but certainly a place and time for complete contentment in a system that can last for years.

Soundlab M1 speakers with a powerful (600 watts/side) SS amp and nice tube preamp has taken me to that place. I am certainly done for now, but perhaps not finished for life.