How much are your speakers toed in?

Just curious how much the majority of listeners have their speakers toed in. More than 45 degrees, or closer to straight out?
With my Spendor sp 1/2e's, I had them toed in directly at me, so I could just see the inside edge of the speaker and the cross section was just behind my head. I had them as far apart as I could at about 8-9 feet, I was 9 ft back. My new Vandersteen 3a's are, according the set up manual, not supposed to be toed in at all. I found this to give a very unnatural soundstage, and the detail suffered. I toe them in directly, just like the spendors. I had read that a direct toe-in involves the room less. But I still play with them from time to time.
Have Loved the sound from my speakers (Revel Ultima Saloons) toed in just a wee bit... approx 15 degrees. Loved the deep soundstage, relaxed yet detailed presentation.

Have recently been experimenting with a sharp toe-in pointing to my ears at the listening position, in an attempt to get a more forward and 'hotter' presentation.

The increased toe in does make the sound more forward, but I think I will go back to the original ( 15 deg ) toe in.

If my calculations are correct, your speakers are toed in 4.47 degrees. :)

My Usher X718 have moderate toe-in-about 15 degrees. It provides a stable center and wide soundstage