Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?

I have a Larrivee LSV-11 and put a downpayment on a Paul Reed Smith Custom "24" with a burled "10" top(Emerald Green).
I have my '77 strat with EMG's that I've kept around since I was 15. It was really junk, but my mother bought it for me, so I can't get rid of it.
I'm using an '83 Mark IIC Boogie that I bought brand new.
Boogie MK2C. Haven't used it since '95 as I can't be bothered to turn it on(the acoustics are taken up my time).
I usually play a boring ol' 90's American Standard Telecaster. I have some nicer, more collector-type stuff, but for live nothing beats a Tele.

The only effect I use on a regular basis is a vintage reissue RAT pedal just set to goose the amp a little. I run this into a Dr. Z Carmen Ghia (about as minimalist a tube as you can get) head feeding a Carvin open backed 4x10. Not the best cabinet, but good enough.
I'm picking up my fourth PRS in about a month and also have a Turner Compass Rose.
1928 Gibson L-5. Steve Andersen M16 Archtop. Fender American Standard Stratocaster. Epiphone Emperor Joe Pass with Gibson 57 pickups. Jorge Raphael Classical Guitar. Clarus headamp and Buscarino Chameleon speaker. SeQuel Tribute tube amp.