Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system

Until recently I always thought that guys into high-end audio listened to Classical, Jazz, Blues and some classic rock. I never knew that some listened to rap or hip hop. It would seem to me that rap or hip-hop would sound better on a low to mid-fi system rather than a high-end system. What do you think?

Showing 4 responses by jond

Taters at this point isn't that just about enough on the subject? It's beginning to smack of veiled racism at this point. Music is music and people listen to whatever the hell they want. Let it go.
Let's see its his second thread devoted to why rap is either not music or not worth listening too in just a few days plus he brought up the exact same subject in a totally unrelated thread. Now I didn't call it veiled racism, I said "its beginning to smack of veiled racism" and quite frankly given the relentless trashing of music that is largely produced by and listened to African Americans, it does make you wonder. Or at least it does me sorry if that offends anyone or if my reply was to strongly worded. I wish there could be more tolerance in the world of music and of people.
@onhwy61 Thank you for articulately stating what I was flailing around trying to say.
@tostadosunidos I wasn't "quick to accuse" nor did I necessarily accuse at all I just felt something should be said after Taters harping on rap/hip-hop over 3 different threads here. Though at this point I think it's pretty apparent that Taters is a classic internet troll and probably best ignored at this point.