Why are my woofers pumping?

The other day, with sunlight direct from the side, I noticed that the woofers in my speakers are pumping in and out, much more than I was aware of, when the stylus is in the groove, even between tracks (no music).  I can see it, even if I don’t hear it. Why does it happen? The woofers behave normally (no pumping) with digital music, and when the stylus it lifted from the groove, so it is not the speakers, amps, preamp or phono stage. 

I’ve read that the typical reason for woofer pumping is that the cartridge / arm resonance is too low.  I tested, with my Hifi News test record, and yes, the lateral test puts the resonance at 7 hz or so – too low (but I’ve seen some doubts about the results from that test record).  It is strange, since the combo I use – Lyra Atlas cartridge and  SME V arm (on a Hanss T-30 player) is supposed to work well. I tried to strip my arm of extras, cleaned the damping trough, etc – but it did not help much.

Anyone has an idea, why it happens, or what to do about it?  

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Showing 6 responses by stereo5

Same problem on 3 different Turntables. As a last resort, I bought a KAB rumble filter which I run via the tape loop. I do not notice any less bass and my system really swings. The filter even uses audiophile parts in it. New it was 179.00 but I saw one on here a couple of weeks ago for around 100.00 That, is a good deal. Regardless at what others will tell you, in my system it did not cut the quality of the bass or the deep bass. I can rattle the windows playing vinyl if I want.  The sun has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Like I said in a earlier post, just buy the KAB rumble filter and be done with it!  I tried everything mentioned in this thread at one time or another and only the KAB filter worked with no loss in bass quality or quantity.  I am using it with a VPT Prime and a ZU/Denon Dl103mc.  My woofers would oscilate so much I thought they were going to come right out of the cabinets.  With the KAB, nothing, nada and perfect pitched
I own the KAB Rumble Filter and I am one of the ones that claim otherwise.  (No change in the sound!)
You keep coming back to the KAB, then diss it.  Why not get one and try it?  If you don't like it you can send it back.  I use one in my system and my 3 audiophile friends and I could tell no difference with or without it other than absolutely no woofer pumping.  The Turntable is a VPI Prime with a ZU-Dl103mc cartridge, VPI interconnects going to a 7K McIntosh tube preamp.  Speakers are GE Triton Reference.  Like I said, problem solved and I can sleep at night.
+1 miner42

Just a thought, what if you used RCA to XLR adapters? BAT makes some excellent ones. I have an original Harvest first pressing of DSOTM and the bass is very taut and very deep with no woofer pumping.  I also have a MFSL pressing which for some reason is much lower in volume with no pumping.   I wish you lived close by, I would let you borrow my KAB filter to try.
Again, think KAB rumble filter with RCA to XLR adapters.  Problem will be solved with no detrimental effects.