who knows ZYX retipping or refurbish ?

 I've got a ZYX cartridge that needs to be retipp or repair, but no official dealer can tell me if the cartridge will be just retipped or refurbished or exchanged. Is there someone who already done it ? Especialy in europe ?


Showing 9 responses by nandric

''Refurbishing'' by the manufacturer means removing the existing
 generator and putting a brand new generator instead. You get   a new cartridge in the existing body. ''Refurbishing'' by an retiper
may include cleaning the cart from small black particles, new suspension and new stylus or cantilever/stylus combo. ZYX has
unusual stylus mounting so stylus only retip is not probable.
This means , say, new boron cantilever + chosen stylus shape
but the price is + 500 euro. Cleaning and new suspension means
added costs. My advice: write to ''Expert stylus'' in UK and post
your cart to them after appointment. They will inspect your cart and inform you about their possibilities. You can then decide what you want to do.
chakster, 'the original cantilever is way different from any other cantilever...'' This description is not correct . As I mentioned the ''stylus mounting'' is different as can be seen on your picture.              My Airy 3 is retiped by Axel with an boron/ Shibata combo while
an new ''rubber donut''( aka suspension) is also provided by                drilling an hole at one side of the body. One of the 3 screws on the generator must be loosened in order to get the generator out for
this purpose. I ever started an thread about ''irreparable carts'' and     assumed as such ''sealed plastic  bodies'' as by Sony XL series and
ZYX.   Anyway  an retip with a new cantilever/stylus combo should
be possible . BTW according to Axel his Shibata   is beter stylus
than ZYX original. 

gilles130, I got the original as present but defective. The suspension has hardend. So I posted the cart to my friend Axel who added new    (boron) cantilever and his best (Shibata) stylus. However he was willing to cut the cantilever cover and drill a hole in the body to reach  the involved parts. The problem by ZYX is the ''glued together'' body   so the only way to get ''inside''  is to cut or/and drill the body. Axel,     alas, retired while I have no idea if other retiper would be willing to     do such ''drastic job''. BTW this explains chakster statement that        ZYX does '(cart) exchange but not ''refurbishing''. The sound of my     retiped or refurbished ZYX is excelent in contradistinction to its
looks (grin).  

The ''old economist'' wrote about production and distribution of            wealth among (social) classes. This distribution in our case is
between manufacturer,  importers and dealers. If I am well     informed each get about 30% .So if chakster is right that ZYX
get  60% of the  retail value by exchange of the old for the new     cart  why should they   then mess with refurbishing ? 

I ever started a thread about ''irreparable cartridges''. However

nobody was interested. Chakster  ''sealed body'' is the reason why

such carts are not reparable. My first was Sony XL 88D

which not only was ''sealed plastic body'' but the body was also

''potted'' with dampening material. ''Sealed'' means ''glued together''.

For any repair on the generator the body need to be cut to get

access to the inside. My friend Axel was willing to do this for me

 but by ''cleaning'' the inside he broke the coil wire . The ''old

master'' Mori san who designed the XL series stated that his XL

series carts are irreparable.

The ''sealed body'' by ZYX is made from acrylic. But to get access

to its inside one need to cut or drill holes in the body in order

to reach those screws with which tension wire is centered and

 connects ''movable parts'' (cantilever/stylus + coils) with

the generator. According to Axel the suspension is the weak

part of the ZYX cartridges. But this means that to change the

suspension the retipper would need to drill or cut the body.

So, also considering the price of the ZYX kinds buying them

is a risky business in, say,'' the long run''.

The sequence should be first informing about retip or refurbishing

and then buy a cart. Not the other way round.

Dear chakster, ''I believe the body is the same as the Airy and

SURELY on the factory they could replace the body''.

Can you describe how they  COULD do that?  

Dear chakster, My point was that those ''glued together'' plastic or

acrylic bodies are not reparable. Peter's story is different because

for cantilever/stylus exchange only the cover above the cantilever

need to be cut. This will provide sufficient space to glue new

cantilever in the so called ''joint pipe'' . For ''refurbishing'' or changing

suspension the body need to be cut or drilled to get acces to the

generator. The tension wire screws need to be loosened in order to

get acces to coils and suspension. I don't know if retippers are

willing to do such (risky) job. But Peter also confirms the risk I

mentioned by such expensive cart. I would kill myself if my

15K cart was not reparable (grin).

Dear chakster, From Peter's story you can deduce that SoundSmith

was not able to change the stylus (only) in his diamond cantilever.

So you can probably get the same boron/ stylus combo for $450

as he deed by SoundSmith. Assuming of course that you need

a new cantilever/stylus combo. For other repairs you need to ask

Ledermann if he can do the job. The stylus only exchange is

problematic because of the peculiar stylus fastening to the

cantilever by ZYX. . For a new stylus the cantilever need to have

 a hole in which the new stylus can be glued.