What should I expect after installing a new power management system?

Trying to decide between Shunyata, synergistic, transparent, Niagara from audio quest. They cost between 5000 and $8000. What can I expect when I plug my various components into this pricey box.?  Plan on also getting several higher end power cables. I thought about buying a regenerator but didn't feel this was a good thing

I have heard many things about noise floor and current clean up and a new one, improved transients.

Anyone buy a new power system lately?


Showing 1 response by celtic66

 I mostly eschew tweaks and like so many find snake oil afoot.  However, when it works it works and in a very deliberate non-argumentative way.

When I installed a Decware ZLC conditioner, the POSITIVE effect was immediate; blacker background, greater separation of instruments and vocals.  It is a subtraction device.  Subtracting whatever seemed not there, but clearly was.

I sent one to a friend and he confirmed same findings, the effects as dramatic for him.  We laughed at the craziness of electricity and the hobby.