What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

Just wondering if we can get a little clarification- is the question what do you think (imagine, fantasize, hope) or are we talking about tweaks we've actually tried?

“What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?”

>>>>>Look at it like a Venn diagram. 🥨 The three criteria you name are mutually exclusive except in rare cases. You got your ridiculous tweaks, which may or may not be overpriced OR useless. By the same token an overpriced tweak might not (rpt not) be ridiculous OR useless. And a useless tweak might not be ridiculous OR overpriced. A ridiculous tweak could be FREE, so it could a useless tweak. There may be many tweaks meet two out of three criteria. But, gentle readers, the universe in which all three criteria are met - the center area of the Venn diagram 🥨 - is probably quite small. Maybe there should be three separate threads. 😬
Not useless but completely overpriced Shun Mook LP Clamp $3200.00 ! I'll sacrifice the improvement over my Purist clamp and use the monies for tubes etc.

Outlet covers!?! Never thought about that! Can’t wait to use this as example to explain that IM not THAT crazy, at least. 
Ridiculous: Stereophile's Jonathan Scull. Tie between the time he said the cleaning lady moved his carpet and it sounded better with the fibers going one way than another, and the time he said his CD player sounded worse after some work being done.... because they had put the screws on too tight.

Overpriced: CD Greenlight pen, an ordinary paint pen for $30.

Useless: Shakti Stone. Though to be fair, only for its intended purpose. Very useful as a door stop or paperweight.