What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.


Showing 50 responses by mahgister

Most people are honest in my world experience....

No need of a lantern.....

Most reviewers are like average audio consumers, they are mot dishonest, they dont know better way to improve than a costly upgrade... No review advocate rightfull controls installation over upgrade....Ignorance with blinders is not dishonesty....
Only to be clear and in reality I don't care any more.
It was my fault and error in the first place...

Sorry for the misunderstanding...

I wish you the best from my heart....
Never mind. Perhaps what is really silly ( for say the least. ) is that m gentleman who posted:

"" I listen eyes open in my dark room and it is better for imaging perception because i....."""

and " 3 minutes " latter this same gentleman posted:

" I listen eye open half time only and not in a complete dark room..."
Sorry but correcting a post in a 5 minutes interval after realizing we had made a mistake in our own description dont make the writer silly...

But posting that like a proof of his stupidity surely dont speak so great about the poster...

Try not rejecting your problem on ME.....
Mahgister, To answer a question with an insult to the intelligence of the person who asked the question is not helpful or informative.
You are right and i apologize another time for being impatient or rude to you...

But in this thread i have been mocked often then....my neuron short circuited...

I deeply regret my tone with you.... Your question was genuine...

In a word, because it is a complex question....

For Penrose itself it is the totality of the cosmos quantum stuff that work his way in the microtubules... i will not repeat with my bad english what you can read in this short introductory article:

This is the introduction:

« The ‘Orch OR’ theory (Hameroff & Penrose, 1996a, 2014) attributes consciousness to quantum computations in microtubules inside brain neurons. Quantum computers process ‘superpositions’ of possibilities (quantum bits or ‘qubits’) which unify by entanglement, evolve and compute, until reduction, or ‘collapse’ to definite output states. Nobel laureate Sir Roger Penrose (1989) proposed that reduction occurred spontaneously due to an objective threshold in the fine-scale structure of the universe (‘objective reduction’, ‘OR’) at time t = ħ/EG, where ħ is the PlanckDirac constant, and EG the gravitational self-energy of the superposition. At each such OR moment, Penrose further proposed, random (proto-) conscious moments of experience occur, composed of basic ‘qualia,’ the most specific scientific proposal for phenomenal experience (the ‘hard problem’) yet put forth (Hameroff & Penrose, 1996b). Were there ‘orchestrated’ quantum computers and qubits in the brain which could reduce by OR to produce full, rich conscious moments?»


Penrose could  be wrong for sure it is only daily science...

But anyway the paradigm of the " brain produce consciousness" is dead.... By all account of changing waves of information coming from many fields....

That is my point...

My best to you from my heart....
There exist 10 to the power of 8 microtubules by neurons....One hundred millions...These subtle cylinders shape are the seat of non traditional algorithmical process in the brain, quantum calculations, and we know that the consciousness is not produced at the gross scale of the neurons by traditional networks descriptions...

«Your brain is the cosmos itself dear »-Groucho Marx


He listen with eyes open in a dark room,
I listen eye open half time only and not in a complete dark room... There is a thin light that make me able to spot location between me and the room disposition...

I only speak about my experience here not science at all...

I oberved that eyes opened completely with this information about the body location the link between the music imaging in particular is modified, in some way improved in relation with the perceiving body then in a different space than the purely musical dimension...more a sound space for the perceiving body than a musical space in itself...

But closing the eyes increase timbre perception for me make the imaging emerging in his own musical space with no more so direct reference to the perceptive body....More a pure consciousness perception...more music than sound...If it make sense...

I like the 2 ways.....

But i prefer to listen always in a dark room, with orange thin light diffusing his aural atmosphere.... I use himalayan salt lamps...I will not say here that the salt crystal "OBJECTIVELY" improves at peanuts cost the atmosphere of listening but it improves it even if it is in a hypnotic and placebo way..... Test is simple place them near speakers listen and remove them.... Here is one of my experiment that i can not be sure if it is placebo or not but the effect is there.... Placebo is also a TOOL to use by wise doctor... But the improvement is there illusory or not....Myjostyn will be happy with this example.... 😁 i give him some help the poor....
«We are learning more every minute. "Then" You are making assumptions which are outdated.»-Groucho Marx

« I am outdated myself saying so. »-Groucho Marx

About normal activity of mammal (rat) working as usual without all the brain matter and the rest deformed but with no impediment in his normal working just normal to old age........


There is the SAME phenomena observed on human...I have lost my link for the time being...There even exist a human with non average I.Q. a mathematician that work normal with a very great % of his brain lost....This was discovered in the midst of non related medical examination ....

These facts are unknown to most people or under the rug in some "scientist" circle, because the actual paradigm in materialist science is the production of the consciousness BY the brain....

Penrose-Hameroff model of consciousness, the only serious one at this hour, predict the exact opposite... the brain absolutely not produce consciousness it is the reverse...it is in fact more complicated but i cannot enter in these details here....The only important fact is that in this model the brain dont produce the consciousness the memory is not located IN the brain at all....

One word of caution: these observed facts dont negate the impact of a well structured brain in heralthy shape for the normal working in life... These facts relativize simple what is the absolute subordination order:  brain/matter  domination over consciousness or Consciousness domination over brain/matter....These dynamic of subordination is way more complex than simplistic dogmas decrees... Thats all.... 

True or not, the Penrose-Hameroff model is the only one encompassing scientific facts at all scale from quantum to human anesthesia phenomenon on patient....

We do not need even this model in true science now to hypothetized with seriousness that consciousness is the only phenomena , even the cosmos is a paraphenomon to this one...

Reading in all fields help to think.....

Sorry dudes, mystics are more wise than average electors in general, all countries included.....But this is news to only those who rarely think....


When i was young i arrived at the conclusion that only 2 categories of disciplines or fields of study are devoid of most of the general stupidity of the human race: the mathematicians and the mystic, not engineeers or religious people, dont confuse the 2 they are not related except weakly...

You know why?

Mystics and mathematicians live ONLY for truth....Nothing else. no money, no power interested them.... Except the invevitable rare fraudsters among them...They constitute the most coherent mind there is on this apes planet...True observer of nature comes after these 2.... Goethe is my first model, Darwin in second for me....but the 2 were lonking for truth....

I read more about those 2 species and their subject than about each other fields.... What is marvellous is some musicians balance in themselves both of these field: Bach for example and many others....

My best to all....
Guess it.... If you are not able it is a bad sign.... 😊

The inhability to reverse sentence is a neurological problem.....

I apologize i realize that i am a bit rude with you....

Like usual you miss the point....

Nobody contest the fact that listening with closed eyes improve concentration...

You are contested about negating the fact that listening sometimes eyes open, VARYING the closing or the opening of the eyes made us perceive the imaging differently, especially in the dark... I listen eyes open in my dark room and it is better for imaging perception because in this way you own the advantage linked to the fact of not being distracted and you perceive the imaging better because you eyes are open in the dark room and you are more conscious of your body location in relation to the music...

Reality is always more subtle then what we can proclaim or negate....

I just listen, writing this now  eyes open, Haydn quatuor, my imaging is so good i dont  even need to close the eyes...

«Sometimes dark, sometimes light, always colors»- paraphrasing Goethe

Sarcasm is a sword tool with 2 sides...

You just cut your head off, and you dont even know, speaking like a child  with your head-off....Enjoy your freedom....
I couldn’t afford a Synergistic Research Acoustic ART System, so I installed a Weber Original Kettle between my speakers instead.

Mmmm. Aromarama.
Sarcasm is a fine art over the head of simple mind...

It was not necessary to prove it with your post...

Nobody here ever asked for a proof....

Narrow mind are unable to understand subtleness of phenomena...

Music is easy to focus on eyes closed for all people, but opening eyes  modify the relation we entertain with imaging....I said modify not necessarily improve...

Then listening eyes opened can make sense ....To accentuate not the perception of timbre (eyes closed is better) but for modifying our relation with imaging, in particular our relation between sound and our body location ....

It is not science, i will let narrow mind think they speak for science itself, it is only my experience in my listenings experiments....
Oh and all the bad that 90 degree angles inflict on our ears.
One of my acoustic controls recommendation is the use of polihedral flowing surface for each corner of the ceiling.... 😁

The room lens worked indeed for me and inspire me one of my best  idea about the Helmholtz Fibonacci organ or room tuner and that work very well.... ... Thanks to you....

I must wait to replicate the hallograpgh tough....

Great post thanks.....I will read the info....Wow the book look very good.... Hundred thanks!
«Silence is the best talisman»-Anonymus Smith

I must use it with you, try it yourself.....
The hallograph was there longtime ago.... His main characteristic is to provoke stupidity to outer apparent sensical words at first sight....After calming the air in the room....

My wife is reading a book right now that explores this concept of how humans tend to default to assuming "true", i.e. default to assuming what they are being told is true.
Incredible coincidence indeed...

My wife read a book about the fact that human always think "absolutely" true what they think is true, coming from others or not.....Imagination for most people is equated with untrue or impossible or ficticious...The human brain frame itself in jail....This framing comes from education but is reinforced by ourself ....

Almost all inventions were reputed impossible before being created...
Almost all so called common sense of human life are contradicted by some fact also...

Is it possible to live without eating?
Is it possible to levitate?
Is it possible to read the future?
is it possible to ressuscitate?
Can we think about mathematic all our life almost without brain matter (hydrocephalus case)?
Is human memory could be virtually without limits?
Is the infinite a possibility or an imagination of some fool?

Imagination is the ground of poetry and science and the mother of invention.... The father is a reason open to an infinite reality and not closed to it....

Religion and most of what people call "science" is business faith or institutional dogmas....Money and power indeed....

True science is creativity.....True spirituality is absolute freedom.....

How much of it is people trying to scam you.
How many people do you trust with your wallet, your car, your kids. A hand full maybe, mostly family.
This is ridiculous and even more pathetic philosophy indeed...Being cautious dont means we must eliminate most of humanity for being unreliable and all tweaks because they are a priori unreliable also ....😁

In regard to "tweak" or any audio product, if i dont create one for myself i read about and decide or not to try it....It is not much a question of trust, more of convenience.... All audio products are not inspired by monster scammer exploiting credulity....They are sell in good faith and for me most of the times they are too costly anyway.... The real question then is : the ratio increase in S.Q. /price for a specific audio system....

But deciding a priori to mistrust everyone and everything is ridiculous....

The real scams in audio are most of the times very easy to spot....The problem of tweak is not the idea behind the tweak most of the times, it is the high price in money which is asked for...

I replicate and improve probably at peanuts cost a very interesting "tweak" the Argent roomlens in one hour.... And some here without even knowing what it is dump it in the useless file tweak....

I replicate what i could replicate and guess what: my audio system is completely transformed at no cost.....

I prefer to sell creativity at no cost than fears and stupidity at all cost......

«The greatest deception come from our fears not from our neighbours»-Anonymus Smith
I cannot contest that Groucho was way more funnier than me.... 😁

For the signification ask me if you need help....

And the point is i am more funnier than you....

« Dont make words  swimming like dead  butterflies in a puddle of bile»-Groucho Marx
«Consciousness is useless for anything»-Julian Jaynes

« Especially for audio»-Groucho Marx

«Do we need ears ?»-Harpo Marx

«In music the sound listen to itself»-Anonymus Smith

«The silliest accessory i ever seen is my brain in a mirror  while laying naked on a table»-Groucho Marx
«If your mind dont open up the brains spills inside»- The real Groucho Marx


«Brain without spirit is soup»- the real Groucho Marx

« What is spirit anyway Groucho?» -Harpo Marx

« The real ghost in the illusory rainbow»- Groucho Marx

« I look at the world and my brain sieve a tree or a fruit, but it is not free lunch»-Groucho Marx

«Epistemology is like salad but you need a cook»-Groucho Marx

«How can i imitate you Groucho?»-Chico Marx

«Try to think while sleeping and dont wake up»-Groucho Marx

«You cannot think sitting on a branch»-Groucho Marx

«And eating my banana?-Zeppo Marx

«Thinking is the prisoner walk inside or the jailer walk outside, pick your choice but dont sit»-Groucho Marx

« Laughter replaces the brain only in hiccups»-Groucho Marx

«Too much bananas»-Zeppo Marx 
You really misunderstand as much as I do.
I think on this precise point about my way of explaining that you are right....

But if you correct me about anything it will be difficult for me to stay calm... 😊

But i understand what you say, and i am not an english speaker, then my presentation of an argument is more "square" than necessary.... I partake your judgement on this point.... I sometimes wrote too " squarely" point by point to be sure to be understood...

We are very different character glupson, it is better for us to be friends....My imagination need ground, but your walking pace sometimes need wings....it is better to complement each other instead of going to war with useless arguing....

I see you asking questions, doubting, but you never bash group of people indiscriminately....You are polite and not arrogant... I try to imitate that.... It is just that i dont like when people attack without reason and i am too passionate ....In an audio thread discussion must be open and without condemnation....

My best to you...
Plus I love the tweakaholics.
They are a never ending source of entertainment. No animosity intended.
It is an audio thread, and writing openly that you enjoy your own prejudice against a group of people alleged "stupidity" or "gullibility" underline your own limitation without proving their own alleged limitation in each case ....You are"gifted" indeed reading your own word....

I am not surprized that you sided like a sheep in the "scientist" band wagon with someone who vouch and think that by a theorem in signals theory he can replace the human ears by numbers ....Without even knowing himself in doing so that he will reveal clearly to all that he dont understand the modelling factors in the objective concept of timbre, calling that "subjective colored illusions" if not useless, only a taste....

How do we call someone who bash indiscriminately and with no reason except his appeal to an elusive scientist faith a great number of people, without verifying what they experimented in the first place, and whitout gaining anything for himself in the process of this condemnation:

Take notice of point three here in particular:

These are Cipolla’s five fundamental laws of stupidity (in wikipedia):

  1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
  2. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
  3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
  4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
  5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

Point 4 concern me a lot.... I must go out of this thread....

In general, context means nothing if the content is wrong.
Your remark miss the point: There exist differences between effect of rhetoric in prose and the prosaic content of a word in a dictionary...

I answered your free sarcasm....With a lesson in sarcasm... 😊

In rhetoric the CONTEXT is the main element, not the immediate content of a word...

The context in language is worked by this part of the brain more involved with WHOLE situation than parts or details, more involved with encompassing global attention, than to a small object in the focus of attention....
This neurological fact reflect itsef in rethoric with the 2 corresponding polarities: poetical mode and prosaic modality of language...
The articulation of these 2 modes constitute everyday language also...

maybe it would be easier to decipher if you changed your teaching technique.

For your pretention to criticize my alleged method of "teaching", this is only your way to attribute something to my opinion that is not there...It is also your rhetorical process so to speak...

I then will remind you of my "teaching" or opinion in prosaic word:

- Nobody must condemn ALL unusual or silly products to be useless one save if you know them or experiment with them in the first place...

-This way of creating a thread would not be so harmful, if the OP of this thread with some others, added not to this unfounded general judgement, the sarcastic free mockery against ALL customers that have bought these alleged "silliest" or unusual products accusing all of them indiscriminately of gullibility...

I am sure that your operating normal swift mind will not qualify my simple stating of these facts to be "teachings"...

For the rest i only read english, i dont speak it, then i apologize for my "alleged" bad use of language or sometimes clumsy way....

For my ONLY one attributed "teaching, this is simple:

-We must learn how to install and control the mechanical, electrical and acoustical dimensions linked to any audio system....

-And NO TWEAK can solve that part by solely by itself and NO audio system can work at his optimal rate in an uncontrolled noisy environment...

Is it difficult to understand?

It seems not open mind read that like evidences.....

I am sure you did also.....

My best to you.....
«Wise men chose most of the times "rarely" over "never" »-Anonymus Smith

This is for justifying the chosen content of my word...

For justifying the general form in the context of the original answering post by which this chosen word was inspired:

Try the word " euphemism" in a rhetorical dictionary....

After that read about "sarcasm" in the same dictionary

Connect the two.....

And final test:

Did i used this precise expression "rarely" because only of his content or because of the context first ?

To have a clue do this exercise:


Repeat after me: " Tweaks are rarely good"

Try now : " Tweaks are never good"

Sense the differences....
Estimate how the difference had different  impact on people in this thread....

End of lesson.....
We dont lack " nuts" in this thread dont add one more ....Myself included for sure....

By the way sarcasm is an art that ask for more than regurgating common place joke....

Practice rhetoric....

« Word of wisdom can rarely be under a piece of s...»-Anonymus Smith

«Especially not on top either»-Groucho Marx 

Anyway my best to you in your world.....
Yes it is only a primitive Helmholtz phenomena resonator.... the key with the open pipes is the lenght relative to one another...
the Helmholtz resonators sets is the ancester of room correction....

My "organ" is more economical than the original "room lens" for me... i dont pretend it is better tough i have no idea....

By the way i already use 3 bigger tubular "plastic" pipes, 8 feet, 5 feet, 3 feet, with 3 inches and 5 inches diameter with success...My first version of the "roomlens"... These 3 tubes are closed at the aperture and a straw is used with a determined lenght and diameter....I have done this 46 hours ago....

On the other end my organ pipes are vented at the basis not glued to wood like the big tubes, and the top aperture is open...

i already created some Helmholtz bottles before that in my room, you have given to me the idea about tubes when answering people mocking "roomlens" with a your post... Thanks to you...

All my devices today act complementarily and my audio room is sonically very good now...

But i need more experiments with tubes and pipes....Fun for months to come .... Price: peanuts.....

I am very proud by the way to be in " the most silliest tweaks" thread and be mocked by some passive consumers and gullible "upgraders" of electronic costly design...

They ignore the elememtary fact that an electronic piece of gear CANNOT work optimally in giving an optimal S. Q.  in a bad uncontrolled mechanical dimensions, in a bad and noisy electrical house grid and in a bad acoustical room like they almost are....
No photos for now.... I just finish the first approximative design...Wait some time please.... 😊

i use 2 set of three pipes vented at the base yes, i try to use golden proportion between the 3 pipes, one is the lenght sum of the other 2, not wool no....It work, improvement on all count in my room....

I am pretty sure that a refinement in more exact proportion and adjustement of the pipes will even improve my results....

But i take few minutes to make one of them then... and the result were amazing...

ROOM acoustic is the KEY to audio, not costly electronic design "per se"....Add the mechanical embeddings controls and the electrical grid controls and the door is open to audiophile experience with any relatively good system even low cost one....

I will send you a picture in the week to come... but it is a 2 set of bricks with 3 pipes in each 3 hole... rather easy to figure....

Thanks very much for your interest....

It’s yet another hobby.
Rightly said....

NO acoustician use " equalisation" like a main tool to create a good room, some used instead "room correction" as a secondary tool to refine the link between some speakers and the room... No bad room can be transformed by the equalizer of our "gifted" friend to a good room, at best it can be made less worst...The reason is simple an equalizer does not do a good job to analyse the impulses from the room response timing , it truncate the time response, it is not a room corrector; and anyway i listen to music in TWO different positions in my room then very different responses exist at the 2 locations , how can you equalize optimally? And my 6 headphones are useless now they all sound unnatural compared to my room....

My actual room is very good in the 2 positions... 😊

I am not an acoustician but most people dont use E.Q. and i dont want to either but anyway i will try room correction myself this year to refine my results...My room is acoustically good for my ears now then refinement is in the order....Room correction not equalization....

My new device acoutical control cost really 3 or 4 peanuts;

I called it an "Helmholtz silent organ".... And results are outstanding for room correction with EARS... Cost a brick with 6 copper plumber pipes same diameter but which lenght in the golden ratio proportion with one another...Perfect? not at all....Astounding? yessssssss.... Cost ridiculous....It is my refinement of the "room lens"....

My hobby is creativity...

Our "gifted" friend is more liberal with his money but more economical with his ideas it seems....I think his brain is too much preoccupied with "snake oil" all around him....Myself i perceive opportunities or "affordance" around me....

My new device created in the last 24 hours:

Seeing my " Helmholtz silent organ" device i dont doubt that his "gifted" seeing will perceive snake oil on the spot....Especially because the appearence is not refine and the cost is lower than a pair of good socks...And it work wonderfully teaching us a lesson about acoustic....
But guess what? i always delude myself ALONE, not with friends in a equalization club smiling at all those who bought "tweaks"....

But those who will borrow my crazy ideas will do it at no cost or peanuts costs....And they will have fun...

Hi-FI experience is possible at very low cost, i dont give a damn about those who sell costly electronics or useless ideas for creating this experience, like buying a costly equalizer....

Is there is a better system than mine? yes.... But i never listen to one for now.... My experience is for sure limited , yes, but i know how a piano in a room sound like and the sound of a piano NEVER come from speakers, and exist by itself.... My system replicate that in more than a small measure, thanks to my embeddings controls....
One man’s tweak is another man’s accessory.
Thanks for your wise post....

My best to you....
I prefer to communicate and share experiments and experience...

Being divisive is of no avail .....

No one has all the answers here....

Where do accessories end and tweaks begin?

A chair is an accessory a pair of glasses is a tweak.... 😁

The 2 are embedding devices for the body in the process of reading a book ....

half-joke, half truth.....😊


At what level of improvement does the term Tweak lift itself to the level of a component change? That is what I am asking. Does it require a large out lay of funds to be called a component?

When some friends heard my new acoustic device they said who would have thought that would make that big a difference..but they still called it a tweak..in my home it makes a large improvement one that tells me when it is engaged and when it is not. Lights up or lights dimmed. Tom
I was asking myself this question 2 years ago BEFORE my systematic journey in listening experiments...

We must distinguish between relatively good components and very high refined one....

I own only good components not very refined one on the scale of Quality/ price ratio...

After these 2 years i learned that NO good only audio system can compare to a refine costly one.... Not the same measured potentials of quality....But the margin of distance between the 2 can be very strongly shortened...

Because ANY system must be embedded in the three working dimensions for their optimal workings...

From that follow that the difference between only a" good" component and a very" refined" costly one is NOT what most people think, especially if the costly system is not installed in a controlled environment but the good system to compare with it, itself is...

The question is not to know when a "tweak" begin to be a component of a system....

The questions is what any system, relatively "good one" or "very refined" one, ask for, to be rightfully embedded?

This problem cannot be solved completely only by a bunch of costly tweaks, but must be answered with systematic listening experiments linked to the mechanical embedding of the system, listening experiments linked to the electrical embedding of the system, and listenings experiments linked to the system acoustical embedding...

A pair of speakers, a turntable and a dac, and amplifier are an INCOMPLETE system...If they are not in their controlled working dimensions...This controlled complex environment is the MISSING part of the system, not a tweak or 2....

We nead ears to create listening experiments, even acoustic problems cannot be solved by only electronic tool device...

I am not surprized at all by your experience.... I lived through the same.....

My best to you....

And thanks for your recommendation of the "lensroom"....It worked great...


Speaking of placebo and blind test is deluding others and himself...Blind test may be interesting but they are not necessary for improving our audio system in our house....... An INCREMENTAL set of increases on a long period (2 years for me) with many improvements after different experiments always going after trials and errors in the same direction: an always better natural timbre experience and a better imaging, CANNOT be ONLY illusory....

But buying a cable and listening if there is a small difference tough MAY be a placebo or not...Sspecially in a noisy environment...

I say that for those why cry " placebo" in this thread ....There is a difference between placebo in medecine and illusion of perception in audio but i will not speak about that here....
A tweak is never a solution by itself...

It is only a step toward some improvement... Calling a tweak "radical" is only market method for selling....Radical solution are engineered one and costly usually....But very low cost partial solution exist like the "room lens" we can reproduce homemade... Even imperfect, very positive increasing S.Q.

For my room i have used many complementary devices with success....At no cost....

The key is understanding that NO audio system can work optimally with no controls at all in the mechanical, electrical and acoustical dimensions....Then ridiculizing buyer of tweak and thinking that a systen can work fine out of the box is deceiving oneself with future upgrades illusion... Chasing good sound is first installing his actual system in the best controlled environment...

Just a word about a simple explanation about "tweaks" that seems to perturb some brain....

It is not the "Riemann hypothesis problem" level of difficulty to understand that:

ANY "tweak" is a tool thay may help or not, it is MOST OF THE TIMES not enough to buy a tweak and think that it will solve completely the problem related to the working dimension where the "tweak" or tool is applied...

This is the reason WHY i dont recommend tweaks in itself, but a set of systematic listening experiments in the mechanical dimension, electrical and acoustical one...All my devices are chap modified low cost product or homemade by the way....I sell creativity not lazy consumerism...

An example:

A set of springs can apparently help to control vibrations...If the number of springs is adjusted finely...

It is a "tweak" but without listening experiments, this tool cannot solve the problem why?

Because it smooth the effect of vibrations yes but not necessarily of speakers internal resonance...And the perception of the instrumental timbre is negatively affected also by resonance .... Then thinking by listening experiments i added an another new set of springs this time on top of the box speakers under an heavy load that was already there damping my speakers... WHY? because the asymmetrical compression of the 2 sets of springs boxes, one under the speakers, the other on top of the speakers under the damping load create an effect of asymmetric elasticity between the top and the bottom of the speakers enclosure smoothing the effect of the inevitable internal resonance...

All that is not the fact of a gullible consumers buying a "tweak" or a tool, being a set of springs or an equalizer...

I called that listening experiments in the mechanical embeddings dimension of an audio system... COST: peanuts....

Now an important remark:

If your electrical grid is too much noisy like ALL non treated electrical grid, if your room acoustic is not enough under sontrol, how could you hear the destruction of musical timbre by internal resonance when putting the springs tool or tweak under your speaker?
You could probably not.... You will think that vibrations being in some controls all is ok....you will satisfy yourself with  the improvement linked to the partial vibrations control.... But it is an illusion linked to the insufficient treatment of the electrical grid and of the room....An illusion also linked to the fact that NO tweak or tool solve all problem by itself....

Do you understand now why i speak not about "tweaks" mainly, but about the relative controls of the embeddings 3 dimensions of ANY audio system by listenings experiments?

Tweaks are plasters in the worst case like many upgrades are, most of the times for most consumers, or in the best case a tool like an equalizer, but NEVER the only solution all by itself...Listening experiments method is the solution....

Or buy a million dollars room and system and call me nut.....It will be less ridiculous than calling me nut because you own a 10,000 bucks equalizer....

More easy to understand than number theory no ?
I can give to you an introduction also...
What is the dynamic that make us so gullible when it comes to audio quality.

THe gullibility in audio is NOT reserved to a customer buying a tweak...Half truth is your prefered affirmation...

The purchase of constant upgrade by people who dont understand that we must treat and control vibrations, the electrical grid and the acoustic is also the most visible face of gullibility before upgrading .... The credulous faith in costly electronic pieces upgrades is the motor of this conditioned market...

I have had more negative experiences than I care to admit but usually not from "tweaks" but from poorly designed or misused equipment.

A little self confession can help.... Thanks for a moment of truth....especially the word " usually not" about the tweaks you tried... I dont recommend myself any "tweak" i recommend a method of listening experiments systematically in the mechanical, electrical and acoustical dimensionsof the the audio system....A single tweak is like an equalizer, a useful perhaps tool but only that, NEVER an encompassing solution... A method of listening experiments is....I hope you will learn something from me....

There was always better equipment to buy. Who wanted to waste money at the margin.
But you forget that a piece of audio or any system itself, CANNOT work optimally in non controlled environment....Then you relapse in the lazy consumer mode thinking that only MONEY can buy happiness in audio... Read philosophy that will help your bank account and help you to think like when you were younger and poor, about how to help yourself in audio without buying too much or even almost without buying anything ....

Who is more gullible at the end, me with my peanuts costs "room lens" i improved and corrected yesterday for my room with success or you, with your illusory blind faith that a costly equalizer is THE solution for ALL acoustic problem and not only a tool among other like a Helmholtz bottle for example, which is what a "room lens" is ?

But is "an equalizers owners club" constituted a hobby? Like someone, myself, who for hobby use many other tools of his own making ? the answer is yes.... Then why criticizing and mocking other people different hobby with your posts?

The days of falling for marketing were over.
You begin to understand after throwing big money in your system and now how can someone must admit that audiophile experiences dont necessarily cost a big amount, modulo some experiments and simple devices? it will be admitting your own gullibality....Easy to understand your faith in scientism and consumer market....

Why does all this junk always make things sound better and not worse.
Another half truth.... Stupidity is easy to correct we only need to look for the missing piece...
The main reasons, i cannot detail all the stage of 2 years of experiments and trials here are easy to understand ANY set of experiments is constitued by rectified errors........ This is the INCREMENTAL process that give a constant improvement after a set of trials....Qualifiying "junk" for example a plumber pipe i used to replicate an helmholtz bottle is bad faith....

But sometimes some mistake must be communicated:

example-1 shungite must not be use near a dac a cd player or am amplfier because of the sound conpressing effect...

Example-2 the dimensions of resonators and and location is very important then ensuing errors which were modified by trials...

Why are there always some people who are unable to understand that their hearing, all of our hearing is excellent at playing tricks on us.
Another half truth but this one take the cake...

A set of incremental increase each week or month for 2 years CANNOT be ONLY a placebo effect...

And because you think that this truth represent all the reality, you use your equalizer like if it can replace totally your ears... It is a tool useful for adjusting the speakers numbers to some aspect of the room.... Thats all.... You need your ears for finalisation of any acoustical process...

Do you know the measures numbers fallacy? A circle of measured numbers mesns nothing without EARS to interpret them.... Elementary epistemology...

Lack of understanding/knowledge and ego I think are most to blame. None of us likes to be wrong.
A mirror is the most epistemological tool in life.....
Am I allowed to put 1V across 1 ohm and say confidently I will get 1A of current or do I need to do an experiment?
Using an equation of Maxwell born after Faraday experiments, to denigrate the necessity of some experiments about acoustic specific settings and particular room or for justifying something about some unusual product is a SOPHISM if it is not an electrical properties essential to the working of the product...

No single equation will never replace experiments in the interface of many techonologies and scientific domain like acoustic and audio...

By the way i never buy tweaks nor sell them... i create my own room and system at peanuts costs...I am less gullible than those who pay thousand for not always better than mine... creativity is more useful than free sarcasm...

And affirming seriously that a product which create some positive effect is a fraud because the created effect is not optimal is not an honest approach to a product to say the least... And it is a LIE if the person has never experiment the product...

I correct my homemade tubular pipe "lensroom" with gluing to the now closed aperture some straw with definite diameter and lenght , making them bottles, to improve the answer of these primitive Helmholtz resonators to the specific acoustical content of my room....

I did not bash the product under the pretext that he is not optimal for my room (even if the effect was positive immediately a refinement was possible).....i at least try it before decreting an opinion... Perhaps you are "gifted" by the unborn quality of seeing, the infuse science like someone we know ? Not me....

Are you not in the list bit curious why so few of these tweakish things are never demonstrated by suppliers that they unequivocally make a sonic difference? It would be so easy to show and could do nothing but increase sales.

It is easy to answer.... If you sell a costly electronic piece of gear in audio, do you suggest to the customer who buy with big money that your speakers or amplifiers or even dac cannot work optimally if he does not take care very specifically of the vibrations and resonance, if he dont control the noise level of the electrical grid of his house and if he dont treat and controls the acoustical settings of the room?

In a word before sellling did you say to the customer that your product out of the box will not be optimal in his working?

Do you know a seller who bother himself and the customer to do that BEFORE each purchase or even AFTER?

Why do you think all threads are about UPGRADING the piece of gear? guess why? 😁

Is it difficult to you to figure it?

a clue:

Some people with a great amount of money dont bother themselves with these details, but without money this is the ONLY way to create a hi-fi experience at low cost....NONE other way....Anyway even costly audio systems need to be mechanically electrically and acoustically embed the best way possible...

We are not all like people who can afford a tool like a costly equalizer for example, we must do it by ears, and anyway the equalizer CANNOT solve all acoustic problem this is basic acoustic....But some ignore it especially if the toy or the tool cost thousand of dollars...

I lived to see the day this is written on Audiogon forum.
I say that because i am perfectly able to criticize myself, and without going back to our discussion in the past, i know that the main part of our divergence were based on the fact that you are" cautious" if i try to understand your perspective... Being cautious is an aspect of intelligence...

Even if i may diverge about something or even if our interpretations of something are different, the main characteristic of your objections were born in a cautious attitude... I can differ on a subject with you but i cannot reject this fact.... 

I dont want to go back in the past....

I prefer friendly and logical debate without attacking a group or a person or a product we dont know....

Example: all people trying the hallograph are not gullible stupid persons....

Assimilating all unusual products like the poster over me to all the others unusual one is not a cautious and intelligent attitude.... It is only a sarcastic party.... It is not my party.....I am skeptic( thanks for the correction )not stupid....

I never has taken any pleasure here to mock someone for the pleasure to do so.... But i can answer sarcasm with sarcasm...Anyway sacasm is not logic nor reason...

To you and others, what may appear perfectly possible, is totally absurd to the rest of us. That you don’t know it is absurd does not make it any less absurd, it just means you don’t possess the knowledge to know it is absurd
said audiodesign...before he erase his post....

FIRST-what we know or did not know MUST not interpose itself in an experiment...This is a necessity and an obligation in TRUE scepticism... "scientism" is the opposite attitude...

SECOND- what someone know did not dispense him to experiment, because the state of the science is always incomplete, and the quantity of science in one head is more limited than the actual scientific kowledge on earth...(except for Mijostyn who is "gifted")

THIRD what appear absurd to one does not implicate a total and proven absurdity...Logic does not replace experience and experiment, and for example acoustic is a PRACTICAL science like medecine based on facts and theory but in dire need of experiments ....

FOURTH the argument saying that: US we know it is absurd, we see it, but NOT YOU, makes absolutely no sense in an experiment...

FIFTH audio like acoustic is an experimental science...audio is a mix of science, new tech, and experiments at the intersection of many sciences and tech......

SIXTH i cannot fathom for myself the fact that an engineer like you is unable to know that his posting argument is only a vicious circle...


i just corrected for the better in my room, the tube pipes sold under the name "Lensroom". I did it 2 hours ago...It is AN EXPERIMENT....No judgement about "lensroom" can replace the modification or say something about it.. Any small room has a geometry, a topology and a content with various materials with various acoustical properties,modifying the Tubes necessitate my ears...Without this complex acoustical content, without the many diffusive surface packed in my room, a calculus would do, for example in the case of helmholtz resonators in a particular big theater...Sometimes the ears do it more economically....

No a priori informed judgement can replace experiment except in the case of those calling themself "gifted"...

It seems audiodesign himself erased his post....My post was an answer to his ....You can read it in mine...

Mahgister, well said. audio2design,glupson, myself and a few others are "stupid."
I know very well that glupson is not stupid and more cautious than you,  then dont put words in my mouth ... I dont know the "few others" , i speak to YOU then why invoking others?

Even audiodesign spoke more cautiously about the"room lens" without bashing it because he did not try it he did never pretend to have a "gift"... Then dont implicate audiodesign about this tweak thread.... we dont dicuss about the Digital " truth" here....

I spoke about YOU and answered to YOUR post in this thread....i dont speak about all sceptics... I am myself a sceptic by the way not a silly one tough....Dont implicate others behind you that have nothing to do with my answering to your affirmation...

I speak about the silly sceptic who said this:

Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose.
And like the last times, when you dont had any argument, you assimiliate me to somebody else you hate...And never apologize...
Maybe you and millercarbon should go out and get a drink together.

I am not in the hate business...I hate nobody here but i cannot stand at all someone insulting indiscriminately a group of people with no sound reason at all....

I only dont like to bash group of people like you did without any other reason than your "Gift"...

Your way toward me just right now in this post are despicable...

Answer to my arguments, and dont assimilate me to others and dont put others (glupson) to stand the pressure for you and to be divisive....

Talk about the old days when you could tweak yourself silly and everyone would just ogle at the genius of it all.
is this an argument?

No shame, no argument, unable to speak for yourself and cowardly invoking others at your rescue who has nothing to do with YOUR POSTS...You want to be divisive because you dont have any arguments....

I dont see the necessity to discuss more....

You already said that you dont want to read my posts, please dont read them anymore....Thanks....

Must i analyse for others to see point by point the stupidity of this post and self defense?

You protest that you are not only a sceptic, but it is only impossible to convince you even by your own experience ...

A blind test perhaps will … 😊

why then accusing others to be gullible about the product they experience and are happy with?

Because they are not imbued with the same "scientist" blinders than you?

Ok i understand it is "science" for you..... All the others who buy anything are gullible but not you, you are a "scientist"...

This is so condescendingly stupid my arms falls

Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose.
read your line....

I myself was in the obligation to try the "room lens" to verify some of his audible effect but not you....

You are born with infused science....

Mijostyn read your line and think.....Instead of making sarcasm....

There is only one thing i dont understand here....why some people are not ashame to put themselves in the corner with the most evident affirmative stupidity? Some of them are "gifted "indeed...

Another thing to think about is the way those who first insulted a distictive group of people after that feel insulted if we turn their nose in the own vomit deconstructing their vicious circles....

Well folks, some of us are gifted and can tell by looking at some things that they are absolutely not suited for the suggested purpose.

I never wrote a post to condescendingly treat a group of people to be ignorant.... Like you with your attack about turntable deluded people...

I never wrote a post about a device i never experiment with, and after that ridiculizing all owners to be gullible people by principle like the OP ...

This is INSULTING to many....

My answers are always based on arguments not insult first...I dont like people who attack many in one block, turntable owners or tweakers, that makes no sense....

By the way audiodesign you never answer to argument, you distort and insult for example what frogman says...It is easy to read the posts, they are there...no shame?

Myself last day i created my own " room lens" ,because i make my own device,i dont have the luxury to be able to buy but my device WORK very audibly without any negative.....Then the original device must be really good.... I will refine mine this summer.....The hallograph is a diffuser and it probably work good also, i will made a pair this summer...

I dont have time to bash others and clothes myself with a theorem....Try to make one and speak after.... 

«A theorem can be a veil where to hide from reality» -Anonymus Smith
I dont think that this is his equalizer... It is a cheap one without offending you.. But that can work marvellously, the price of an audio product is not linearly linked to his efficiency.....But anyway....That dont invalidate my point....

By the way i just validate in the last hours the effectiveness of another product myself "argent room lens"...

a kind of multicellular Helmholtz resonators....This product was just bashed by another fellow of the same species tonight who never try one....😁

I used discarded plumber tubular pipes i have already in my cellar, 30 minute of works and i verify the effectiveness in acoustic of this product in my room...I was not surprized because i have already used some resonators with success... But these pipes with another proportion and dimension than ly past resonators work even better...I will refine all that with experiments in the next weeks...

I decided to do that on the spot after reading another stupid rejection or bashing WITHOUT any logical motivation and no experience with the product like this one today...

I decide to do that to close some mouth....like the one in my last post....

No society can work without good faith in our fellow neighbours....Bashing, lying, conjuring children plots is not the way....

It is not BS because he may seriously believe what he says or he is trying to protect an advertiser. Whatever. The marketing and the premise are total BS.
It is not so funny for me to analyse your total lack of goodfaith here...

You never experimented with this product, nevermind the fact that the marketing explanation is not able to explain correctly the product... It is common that unusual audio product are not always very well explained for all their effects....

The main point is your total lack of experience with it, then you affirmation is more fraudulent than a bad or fabricated explanation about a product which anyway probably works to some degree if i read reviews for the last 10 or 15 years ....You CANNOT know...This is the point... Only those who try know...

Follow this fellow and see if he keeps them in his system. If he does then he is very susceptible to psychoacoustics. If he does not then he is FOS. You just can’t win.

But here it is funny... 😊

Do yo have been lectured in logic at school? minimalistic logical argumentation course?

If yes, you have been a flawed student or perhaps with an atrocius professor...

Come and see:

A-" Follow this fellow.."
B- " If he keeps them in his system. If he does then he is very susceptible to psychoacoustics "( a kind of placebo effect)
C- "If he does not, then he is FOS."(for sale)

Your conclusion is remarkable with this perfect balance between the bad faith of your reasoning and the vicious circle in it... It is difficult to not laugh with pity for you....

D- "You just can’t win."

You summarize yourself your bad faith in the last sentence.... effectively nobody can argue and win an argument with someone who is of total bad faith....You presented a vicious circle like an argument, and instead of plainly saying your "truth" you arrange it for looking convincing to whom?

You have decided that save for your 10,000 bucks equalizer ANYTHING else is placebo ?

It is pitiful....Sorry....

You are more credulous than those you criticized, you need a warrent from a branded named engineered design written on a costly device like an equalizer to trust your own ears, if not, it is placebo effect for all of us in all experience with any unusual product or tweaks.... And for sure i guess you greatly fear placebo effect indeed ? No?

My God! Why bashing all threads about any tweak?

Do you lack of self confidence so much?

Selling a product and giving explanations that perhaps make no sense at the end is one thing that can be itself explained, especially if the sellers know that his product work but dont know exactly why and how...

It is not simple to understand?

BUT having always an answer always the same, to mock all that is out of our expectations window is another matter...

Between these 2 attitudes guess which is the more silly?


Being myself ingenuous perhaps i dont see the world full of thiefs and liars, i think that we must carefully experiment and carefully test  people and products....Denigrating without knowing pays no dividends....

Anyway i buy nothing, i try to replicate....

«Science is not a pillow» -Anonymus Smith
Thanks the article is good and fun to read....

But one fact is lacking and it is the essential one....

I proved for myself without buying anything except low cost ordinary materials or peanuts cost cheap electronics piece i modified, or device i create in my listening experiments for the last 2 years, i proved for myself and for those who will dare to try, that against ALL the conditioning market influence on the gullible consumers, it is possible to create an Hi-FI experience at peanuts costs...Yes at peanuts cost....

Then the real debate is not about the faith in tweaks, in general costly, OR the reason of science...

The real debate is between the useless throwing of money from people who buy very high cost products (tweaks or piece of gear) and try to upgrade them after that WITHOUT never knowing HOW to make them work at their effective real potential working peak quality...No single tweak at any cost can be by itself only the solution... NONE.

I called that treating and controlling the mechanical and electrical and acoustical dimensions of any audio system...

The main question then is not if there is a rational explanation or not, about a single tweak we must or must not buy....Not at all....Perhaps there is an explanation and sometimes there is one but sometimes not at the moment....Anyway....

The main question is how do i learn to listen and create at very low cost or at no cost, a Top Hi-FI experience ? All audiophile are not millionnaire....The question can be ask? but i know very well that asking this question will attract the mockery of those who own very costly product indeed....Anyway...

If i could do it, anybody can....And it is not necessary to do the same thing than me , it is not all people who can use for only their own a family room fill with inesthetical devices...But being inspired is good....This is my point

No one need a science book to know that any audio system vibrate and resonate, is immersed in a noisy electrical house grid, and that the best speakers cannot sound good in a bad acoustical room....How could i take care of that? No single tweak even costly will do the job.... It is then better to create your own device when possible....

Myself i sell nothing, i sell hope in your own creativity, and i sell reason, the rational thinking that said it is useless to throw too much money because of our faith in reviewers and audio market....

How to embed a system? This is the RATIONAL question to ask.... Not: where could i buy the best ready made immediate costly solution ? Save if you crumble under your money... Then you can mock me, some did....😊

Then interesting article but almost totally beside the main point.....

Like usual binary alternative:

shaman versus scientist, digital versus analog, faith versus reason, tweak versus non tweak, and all these misleading set of alternatives veil and mask the real question.....

«Wisdom is on a scale, lettuce are not star»-Anonymus Smith

By the way i NEVER recommended to buy the hallograph, that was not my point at all...

My best to you....

What I find most interesting is that you hardly ever hear of a tweak making things worse.
After i just learned the fact that it is the visibility of my devices that change my perception of sound, in no way their shape or acoustical content properties, after reading that, i read that what prove my failure or treachery is that i dont speak about device making things worse...On the contrary: for example put a piece of shungite on the amplifier it will compress the sound.... Anyway....

I cannot express how ridiculous are the contorsions of someone willing to dismiss something he dont want to experiment or understand....

Sorry i never has been the first sheep in the line,  buy your costly device warrented to be the best by the market and dont bother with acoustic, your equalizer will solve all...

Ask audio2design
i generally answer people with arguments... If they use sarcasm i can too...In the context of my posting with him all that is clear...I even apologized when i make too much free useless sarcasm....

Millercarbon and mahgister admit to liking this kind of stuff.

But the way you assimilate me to someone else, out of the context of a posting discussion directly with me,after saying that you dont bother to read my posts anymore, speaking about me in my back answering someone else and distorting the fact that, i NEVER bought any tweaks, i have always created mine myself with my listening experiments, was not appreciated by me...

Then this " kind of stuff" you speak about is not MY stuff.... A costly equalizer or a costly tweak are for me the same "kind of stuff", not my homemade peanuts cost embeddings controls stuff... All perspectives are relative you see ?

I know that you dont mean it as an insult, but a free sarcasm can be one , and if you take my place you will know why i was feeling insulted...

I wish you the best like ever, even if i argued about some of your opinions....I never despise anyone for anything....I am too passionate being to be perfect tough ...
I’m still wondering about your ears.

Hearing or not differences, this discriminative power is not linked to solely our listenings habits and history, or to our hearing fitness and potentials different for each of us, but this discriminative power is also function of the way the audio system is rightfully embedded mechanically, electrically, and acoustically...

No way someone could hear some modifications in his system if the noise floor is too high or the acoustic too bad in his room, because of a lack of controls in these 3 dimensions...

All the sour and sometimes angry discussions between people come from the simple ignorance that it is not only the quality of the electronical design that makes great audio experience, but MOSTLY the way the audio system is embedded in these 3 dimensions; never mind his price if the system is on an acceptable level of quality already, the way it has been embed or would be, or not, is the KEY.....