What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?

I thought about this yesterday as I was cutting the grass in a drizzel with doggy doo-doo everywhere. So, for me, it's yard work and picking up dog s..t.

Showing 2 responses by tabl10s

All in the name of fun as I'm sure we'd ALL rather listen than work. Here's one chore that I detested a few years ago. I had a rabbit named "Jack". The Wife had a rabbit that was supposed to be male until it delivered nine pups.

The Wife noticed that she wouldn't nurse the babies, so every day we'd have to refrigerate puppy milk, thaw it to room temp,
feed them while making sure it doesn't come out their nose and clean them too. This took place every 45 minutes 24 hours a day until they all died off.

Scraping rabbit dung out of the grass and having to move the cage (rabbit urine burns the grass)was no picnic either.