What are considered to be the best Subwoofers for 2 channel music only ?

I am just about to pull the trigger on a REL Studio Subwoofer, price is £1000 includes delivery. Before I do. can anyone please offer advise on a better Sub for approx. £1000 ? I have read good things about SVS Subwoofers but I have had no experience with these, The Studio in its day was approx. $7000, but my guess in todays market them figures mean nothing. When designed and built the REL Studio was all UK, now American owned (good thing right ?) china built (not so good thing right ?). I  would really appreciate the advise, Thank you.
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Showing 2 responses by canibefrank

i gotta say, after trying millercarbon advice to put my unused jbl lsr 305 pointed into the corners of my listening room, i think a swarm subwoofer setup is the way to go... i decreased the volume on my roaring beastly jbl lsr 305 sub and re-shelved it to 80Hz from the 120Hz setup I used previously. sounds really smooth and engaging... Led Zeppelin and Melvins really rawks...