VPI Scoutmaster or the Signature Final Tool table

Anybody with an opinion to offer on which of these two turntables is the better: the VPI Scoutmaster or the Signature Final Tool? Thanks

Showing 1 response by gml15b3

I own a scoutmaster and a final tool and I can say that for me the FT kills the VPI in every category... It is built with a degree of care hardly found anymore at any price, the FT's external power box is a steal when you calculate buying one to go with a VPI, and the musicality of the FT is astounding -- clarity of bass, openess. I have the FT set up with a kuzma arm and a shelter 901. The VPI SM has the dynavector 20 low output cart.

The one thing I did do was ditch the flannel mat that came with the FT and made myself a craft-foam mat that cuts static and allows the table to spin while I change LPs.