Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

The problem with relying on slime and innuendo to make your point, nobody knows for sure what are you trying to say. Streaming generated more dollar volume so it must be superior? You sure didn't follow that logic with your system, or you would have Bose instead of Tannoy. Or maybe you were trying to say something completely different? That's my point. Nobody can tell what you are trying to say. Only thing clear is you mean it as some sort of insult. 

Which is fine. But if you're gonna insult, do it right, bubble boy. Take a stand, defend a position, give as good as you get. If you want to mock the other guy as hilarious, I'm all for it. Just don't make yourself the butt of the joke in the process.
Wonder how many got turned off and clicked off that video before the part where he says just kidding vinyl totally rules?
Vinyl is the worst format in all of audio- except for all the others.