Van Alstine preamp sound character?

I'd appreciate hearing comments from anyone with experience with the Van Alstine preamp line. How would you describe the sound? How does the sound compare to Audio Research and Conrad Johnson?

Showing 1 response by rod1957

I bought my Super pas4i off E-bay for just over $200 from a seller whose ad read, " Un-tested and as is ". The seller appeared to be honest and answered every mundane question I had in a polite and sincere manner. I've never owned a tubed Pre, and I figured I would jump out after the bid goes north of $250 anyways.
I ended up winning it,and when the Pre arrived I noticed it was a solid 8 on the A.gon cosmetics scale and after removing the cover and discovering a huge power supply and 4 Telefunken flat plate 12AX7's, I was starting to feel very good about this purchase. Right out of the box, and after 1 hour of warm-up, I cued some Wynton Kelly and noticed the warmest, most natural mid-range tones I had ever heard in my life. The treble and bass are there as well, just not as extended and as 3 dimensinal as the mid-range is. Anyhow, like Ponnie, I love the way it sounds now and would love to send it to AVA for the Pas41 upgrade, but I am worried about losing the magic mids due to the different tube types used in the upgrade. Hope I've helped.