Tube CDP/DAC sound: too "refined"?

Hi all, this is a controversial topic and I hope I will not offend anyone: imho many tube CDPs/DACs sound too "refined", too "smooth". Sometimes I would like to hear some "texture" but this texture is being smoothed over. It's fun and beautiful to listen at initially but on the long run it becomes... boring. It's like too much crême fraiche: it could be surprisingly tasty, but after a few times it won't surprise you any longer.


Showing 1 response by gregm

I really enjoy my "crême fraiche"
Off topic: what's the trick to write the accent (btw, it's on top of the i in fraiche, not the creme)??

May I propose the qUote of the day
stereo is for entertainment, but it certainly is not entertaining if it does not sound "right"
Thank you, Detlof (and good to see you back more often).